A weird calling... I think

So I’ve been on an Odd binge of E.A. Videos today, mainly ones involving the compendium of Azazel. Most times I hear his name or something that’s really interesting relating to the compendium I get this weird feeling in my stomach. Like hunger but not for food like hunger of… well honestly idk just something relating to that. I then watched this video

and J.S. Garrett supposedly said he put a spell on his essay in the book (I think it’s his one in the book at least) that would only attract the right people to it and that feeling got stronger.

I’ve always been interested in Azazel and once the compendium came out I can’t see to stop thinking about it. Do you think A. I just really want the Compendium or B. it’s a calling of some sort, even if you disregard the J.S. Garrett thing do you think Azazel or some magickal influnce is leading me to get this book?

Just wanted your all thoughts on it, Thank you very much for reading.

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It could be a calling from Azazel as he wants to work with you as you have always been interested in him.

Personally, if you ask me, you can easily achieve the same results with Azazel without the book. He could be reaching to you. Try asking for a sign or evoking him. I can say that I’ve has something similar with Lilith.

But if you feel its necessary to purchase the book, do what you will.

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Yeah I probably could, honestly you can do that with any entity but the books are there as information that can be looked at anytime that might better your relationship with said spiirts. I mainly just wanted to know if anyone though it could be a spiritual force like Azazel telling me to contact him or that the book would help me or if its just me looking into things too much.

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Like i said, see if he drops any further indications. Can you divine?

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divine? Like divination?

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Yup yup.

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Tarot is something I was pretty good at but I need to get back into it so I’ll probably ask my cards and see what they say

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That’s exactly what I was going to suggest.

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Scrying, dreams.

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I will do that then, Thank you friend

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I’ll try scrying, I feel I’ve had weird dreams but my memory of them hasn’t been clear

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I’d go with B.
This happens to me when someone really wants to get in contact somehow… for me it usually only applies to humans or human ghosts. I feel it’s the energy center there, not an organ, but being close the energy stimulates the nerves in the organ, hence weird ache in stomach.

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Yeah it seems that way. I had a reading before the new year in early December which if I boil it down came to “get off your ass and do more magick” so I’ve made that one of my main goals this year. And Azazel, some more demons, and some deity figures have wanted me to contact them in the past but my faith in my ability hasn’t always been high though I’ve been told the potential is already there.
Seems i’m my greatest enemy atm cx


Also I have found 24 hour fasting, and the use of a sauna/steam room. Helps with seeking answers…


Thank you! I’ll look into those methods