A Valuable Life Lesson From Lucifer

Hello all! It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything, but Lucifer led me to the forum this morning. So I’m just following his lead. He told me to relay the message, “how do you expect to advance magically, if you can’t kill your ego? Your biggest setback is your inability to free yourself from the confines of your own mind! Magick is more real than you are. Believe in it, or it won’t believe in you.” That’s pretty much it. He told me to end it there, someone somewhere will need that. Thanks guys, HAIL LUCIFER :black_heart:


Thank you brother.

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Yep yep…

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Lesson learned, I am assuming that’s why I barely made progress, despite my alter for Azazel and chant for him, my mind and ego is killing me. Will learn to let go of my ego and my mind.

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Awesome! Thanks for posting!!

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Wise words!


Hmmm, I am new to magick but the synchronicities are absolutely amazing. Last night I dreamt of an attractive “man” who I believe is Lucifer who talked to me and helped me by giving me things I needed such as food and drinks and other such things. Now, I run across this post. Thank you. Such wise words that I need to learn and take to heart! My ego and mind must be blocking me from my path. I will try my best to free myself of my own mind and ego. Hail Lucifer!