A technique to enter trance almost instantly

Have you ever listened to a song that you haven’t heard in years and when you listen to the song you can remember the time in your life when that song was prominent. You might not remember a specific moment but the song might be linked with a “great summer” or an old lover. Even listening to a song years later still brings up the old memories or feelings you felt then. This is just a trigger that has been made between the physical hearing of a song to a particular time in your past. It is called a neurological trigger or an ‘anchor’.

The same thing can be applied when you want to enter a trance state quickly. When you are in the height of your trance, touch a certain two fingers together at this moment. You can even squeeze your earlobes. It MUST NOT be an action that you carry out in your daily life, it must be unique. When you do continue doing this “special” trigger/anchor, you will find it much easier and quicker to enter trance depending on how much you apply it. The effect won’t happen right away but if you keep up with the trigger for a few weeks or months, it WILL work. Try it out and share your results guys!


Thank you!
It reminds me about something i have read somewhere, where the lady has said to sing the word “love” over the words of your fave music,
like a classic music sound, would be " love,love,love,Loveeeee,love,love,loooooove,love" !^^
Great topic, i will be trying it today later!^^


This appears to be NLP anchoring.


Yeah, it is just basic anchoring. I learned it from Christopher Penczak’s book Intsant Magick.


Exactly. The NLP/Hypnosis paradigm is used a lot in magick.


It is, thats why its called a neurological trigger. :slight_smile:


Isn’t getting out your censer, lighting charcoal, and placing your incense resin on it to make smoke a sort of anchor? This always gets me in the right mind frame. Something about lighting that chime candle and grabbing my athame definitely gets my magickal mind lit up. That’s why I continue to use my tools even after realizing I don’t need them. Ceremonial magick in a nutshell. Great work OP


Yes, whatever that takes you back to that state is an achor. Personally, I consider tools that you mention as crutches. However this doesn’t mean that its wrong. The finger method that I mentioned is more accessible and thus can be used anytime anywhere. It also allows you to also hone your own abilities rather than depend on external things. Maybe I’m biased because I’m not so much of a ceremonial guy haha.


The practitioner reaches a point at which the thought of entering trance can bring him there. Recently Joe March and I discussed this and he brought it into the open on his YouTube channel The Grand Infinity. When I don’t have time, I channel entities by just doing a few 4-fold breaths and calling to them. I guess then the 4-fold breath meditation is the anchor. You’re absolutely right, the tools are crutches.


It is. His channels great!


Won’t bother commenting again

I didn’t mean to offend you. Try not to take things so personally bud.

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Totally agree. Another powerful trigger is smell.
Thank you for the hint


So true. Our brains can store thoughts, motions, sound, smell, etc as triggers for other thoughts, motions etc.

Some call this muscle memory but it’s a term I’m not crazy about using.

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