A suspicion

When I purchased a pendulum I found I way to communicate with the spirits but I had my suspicion that it may be wrong spirits I communicate with. Every time I do divination it’s done in an elemental balanced circle where the bell is used to banish from the area. So far I have mad it a habit in my daily magical training to ask questions I know the answer of. It always swing the same direction when the answer is “yes” and “no”. However there have been cases when the pendulum have been wrong so to speak by for instance when it comes to my magick working on specific individuals. Can my own elemental pantheon I work respectfully deceive me for my own better good? Now I have placed the pendulum in my bowl with salt I have used to create my elemental circle placed in the north side of my altar.

Won’t help. I need to find a way to find out if the spirits I communicate really are what they claim to be.

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The only thing for this is to work on your senses, so you don’t have to rely on your pendulum as the sole means of communication. I don’t see a quick fix for that.

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