A revelation on The Qlippoth from Mushrooms

I took some mushrooms yesterday

As it started to kick in, my gaze turned inwards, it was like I was seeing the outer world through my internal gaze or from the inside of my brain

I came across a dark energy not in the malevolent sense but more primordial in nature, the spirits showed me that I was an ancient one, I saw symbols in my brain and skeleton

It automatically connected me to shiva

They also showed me these demons, or the shadow side of reality is what makes people who they are, that they are to be embraced

They showed me I’ve doing this work for many lifetimes and the pains I went through in this life are connected, and that I was already in Thaumiel, when I realized I was in Thaumiel, I became shiva and the God energy within me was revealed, I was shown that it is the demons as a totality that can become complete light or consciousness, it was like a coin

The demon is like a blueprint for Godhood, without the blueprint there’s no potential to actualize anything, so the demons are simply chaos energy that is to be harnessed, the angels are flip side of that coin and it represents the demons actualized potential, kind of like the serpents that lurk behind the buddha, that force, shapes the buddhas consciousness, the demons are the fire or essence, they add things to the soul

A good analogy would be the Nagas


The serpent represents the Chaos energy, feminine force and the Demons, hence why these beings and tantra is considered LHP

In my opinion this is how shiva became a God, it is through the path the RHP Hindus demonize so much because they cannot handle the trials and hard work that comes with this type of path, they’d much rather work with an entity that’s already done it, but it’s still codependent or interdependent

Another revelation I got was on psychic senses, and magickal empowerment in general

The key is Chi… when there is enough potential energy flowing through the meridians, magick and astral senses become powerful and effortless, as if the intelligence of the chi is doing the work itself, there are meridians in the brain that unlock correspond to these senses, so doing head breathing, basically breathing light into your head or upper Dantien will develop your senses, they also told me a Qlippothic Middle pillar ritual would do wonders

Bottomline though I was shown the inward path is the Qlippothic path, things like shadow work, personal healing, demonic integration and empowerment, harnessing chaos energy basically, to sharpen your sword is what I think the qlippoth is all about, you’ll see a lot of books, that make it seem evil or bloody etc. which I feel like is a huge misjudgement, it is definitely dark but not malevolent, it is an ancient path if not the oldest path of ascent

As much as I like the idea of RHP, and speaking as a former full on RHP practitioner, the LHP and Qlippothic energies potential can run circles around RHP, I think true light can only be found in the darkness, and I believe a strong RHP path can only be found when one has embraced the LHP and has harnessed the powers of its flames to sharpen and define the consciousness

I’ve never done any type of Qlippothic pathworking in this life even though the energies have always been there in my life, I was sorta put through as like a karmic contract, I’m being called into more Qlippothic work

If anyone here knows of good books on the Qlippoth as in grimoires I’d love to know other sources, I have view books but haven’t really dived into them yet, I’d appreciate some suggestions :clinking_glasses:

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It sounds like a wonderful experience. As i am preparing to work on the qliphoth I read the below books. However i decided I will just follow Vk’s book since its the most simplest and the only one resonated with me.

Vk’s book is called: the-rites-of-acharayim-2
asenath mason qliphothic invocations and evocations
and her other book
Qliphothic Meditations

Hope this helped :stuck_out_tongue:
Be blessed and good luck

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