A quick message from Azazel

Quick summary of what Azazel has to say:

“Never bow down to anyone no matter what. If you know that you’re royalty or of godhood, don’t bow down. If you’re power hungry, don’t bow down. You have godhood surging through you, so don’t bow to anyone.” - Azazel

[I didn’t expect him to want to tell you all this as well. I just wanted to bow to him to pay my utmost respect, but he said for me not to bow to anyone - not even to him.]

[[I tried translating the best I can, so my bad if it’s kinda difficult to understand.]]


Can you ask Azazel this?
Can we find infinite strength and adaptability in us? I can’t bow down to my own limitations of character.


“The entire universe is within yourself. You just have to dig for it.”


I truly feel the need to bow down to any demonic king. I may be a god but I haven’t achieve anything yet. I am still a nobody compare to them… one day I may stand in front of them as a god stands before an other god. Until then I will give them the respect they earned.

Thanks for the share @anon9236988 :blush:


Being humble can go a long way :slight_smile:

Before you walk you crawl.

But I think I get what Azazel is saying here too. :sparkling_heart:


Odd … I don’t. :slight_smile:


My working theory of ascent is that we are gods already. We already possess omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence. Ascent is acquiring a direct knowledge and experience of this as an undeniable fact. By knowledge i don’t mean belief, however fervent, or mere intellectual assent. Maybe it’s what Buddhists call enlightenment.


I agree here.

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Once again, message received.

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I guess he just basically was meaning just understand your worth. Of course show respect to others. He wasn’t trying to say show 0 respect, and demand all of it. :sweat_smile:

I’m just terrible at translation :sweat_smile:


It reminds me of a lesson from Odin I received. Bow before no man or god, but don’t be foolhardy either. Do not stand down but don’t let cockiness be your undoing.

I think that’s why I get on with Azazel so well, he and the old man put off very similar vibes.


I get what you’re saying. He wants you to know who you are, inside and out, but to never forget who helped you craft your throne along your ascent…yeah I’m not good with words either😄


Perfect answer to the question,

Works well with the first message too, all parts of the universe you perceive are ultimately within you so therefore bowing down to anything would ultimately just be you bowing down to yourself, no above-below relationship involved,no parts are more important than any other.

infinite adaptability can be found by simply getting rid of self-discrimination as in something that can’t do these things (whatever they are) because they’re the domain of something outside of yourself, “digging” by simply being able to completely disregard all perceptions and limited perspectives of your abilities and inability to do something.


Thank you Azazel!