A Message from Lucifer

This is weird. I just started looking into my ancestry on my dads side(long lost history to me) and found we come from a pure aryan lineage and our magick ancestry is the path of thr black sun. This was yesterday, woke up at 6 am, opened this forum and this is th first post.

Time to work on the black sun! :v::grin:


No I don’t work with the Black Sun.

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Not sure what you mean by this as people on this forum channel messages from spirits a lot.

Maybe? But why would he ask me to post it here if it was just for me?

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Seems like this gnosis can be summarized as the alchemical formula—Solve et Coagula.
At every stage of one’s initiation, something must be destroyed for new things to be created. Pride is a double edged sword; It can build you up and also crush you once you come to terms with reality.
The hidden gem within this vague message is balance.

Like @PrinceX said, this could indeed be a test from Lucifer. An interesting one at that…


holy shit, this is almost exactly what I saw the first time I astral traveled to see him: high tower, red star seen out the window… that’s eerie, and cool



It is a message for ElAzaz.The true son of man.

Maybe it’s about a solar eclipse. We will have one this year, december 14. I dreamed with it and it was a bit tense!

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Part of me feels like this could be horrible interpolation so I’ll bracket what follows as an intuition or instinct that may or may not work - take it as you will and see if it makes sense.

I remember Gordon White and Conner Habib chatting on Rune Soup recently about reductive materialism seeming to have been embodied into an astral or etheric entity that’s standing between us and the sun and that it’s going to incarnate as a person at some point in the very near future.

We do see reductive materialism, while it’s social authority seems strong on just how many people take it literally, take it for social dominance currency, or whatever else but don’t question it it’s authority is also starting to flicker. I listened to John Vervaeke and Iain McGilchrist chatting this week on Rebel Wisdom and Vervaeke brought up 4E neuroscience. It seems like more and more establishment and mainstream thinkers are joining what used to be the fringes now in considering Cartesian dualism a dead end.

Talking about one-person ladders or towers and red stars I can’t be sure what’s meant by ‘red star’, I looked up Algol out of curiosity and it’s an orange subgiant so that doesn’t seem to fit the bill. I suppose I’m somewhat forced to look at these individual towers or staircases as siloed spiritual workings where each person needs to build their own competency, lean on no others, and go with what actually works in the ‘real’ inner world rather than what gratifies their place in a worldly dominance hierarchy and that much of what lead people in the direction of climbing dominance hierarchies and getting their seed out like Gengis Khan is exactly what won’t work - then again that’s nothing new, it’s hardly ever been like that and most likely because the physical world we live in has extremely narrow Darwinian constraints for what passes and fails and the mathematical probability of those constraints precisely matching the broader universe let alone some completely different strata of conscious being is pretty much 0.

I will say as well a lot of people are talking about Aquarius’s Saturn aspects and if astrological / processional ages mean anything at all, whether that’s some social custom within our solar system or simply something that enough people of the Ptolemaic age believed to imprint onto nature, it seems like that Saturnine aspect would mean hard financial times, not quite post apocalyptic living but maybe hunger games without the hunger games themselves and rather poverty, war, virtual worlds, and very little means or individual capacity to climb any latter to success in real life - hence the only ladders we’d be able to climb would be spiritual ones.

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