A lesson I thought I'd share

About a month or so ago (give or take a week) a situation arose that was not to my liking. I decided to handle the situation magically. I made a few mistakes that caused me to get bit in the ass nicely. I won’t go into the personal details but yeah…I fucked up royally.

I let my fears and insecurities get the better of me.
I let my ego and overconfidence get in the way of common sense.
I did NOT do any kind of divination before attacking the situation.
I did NOT take the time to evaluate why I was doing the spell.

So not long after the spell I came to a the realization I had acted in a very reactionary manner and that acting from a position of fear and weakness was not the best approach. I ended the spell and patted myself smugly on the back for recognizing my own bullshit and thought no more of it. A few weeks went by and the result manifested, the only issue was I did not recognize this because once again my ego got in the way. It dawned on me last night that my desired results manifested exactly as I had hoped, the problem was they had effected the wrong person in the equation, this miscalculation has been biting me in the ass since it occurred and only now have I realized it.

So I hope everyone can take something from this and help prevent yourself from getting your ass burned like I have, it’s not one of my proudest moments (in fact it fucking sucks to know that I fucked up this bad) but it has definitely been a sobering experience.

Do not do magic without understanding your true motivations.
Do not do magic without calculating the risks
Do not do magic from a reactionary position
Do not let your emotions override common sense.

Best of luck

[quote="-TWF-, post:1, topic:3736"]About a month or so ago (give or take a week) a situation arose that was not to my liking. I decided to handle the situation magically. I made a few mistakes that caused me to get bit in the ass nicely. I won’t go into the personal details but yeah…I fucked up royally.

I let my fears and insecurities get the better of me.
I let my ego and overconfidence get in the way of common sense.
I did NOT do any kind of divination before attacking the situation.
I did NOT take the time to evaluate why I was doing the spell.

So not long after the spell I came to a the realization I had acted in a very reactionary manner and that acting from a position of fear and weakness was not the best approach. I ended the spell and patted myself smugly on the back for recognizing my own bullshit and thought no more of it. A few weeks went by and the result manifested, the only issue was I did not recognize this because once again my ego got in the way. It dawned on me last night that my desired results manifested exactly as I had hoped, the problem was they had effected the wrong person in the equation, this miscalculation has been biting me in the ass since it occurred and only now have I realized it.

So I hope everyone can take something from this and help prevent yourself from getting your ass burned like I have, it’s not one of my proudest moments (in fact it fucking sucks to know that I fucked up this bad) but it has definitely been a sobering experience.

Do not do magic without understanding your true motivations.
Do not do magic without calculating the risks
Do not do magic from a reactionary position
Do not let your emotions override common sense.

Best of luck
Yea I’ve been there myself TWF

I think we all have been

Ive recently taken a break from alot of magickal activity for these same reasons. I realized that a lot of my actions had been rooted in ego, and due to this Ive been very quickly setting up a new reality for myself that is not quite to my liking.

Stepped back, started meditating more and getting in touch with my core essence, and not letting my avatar influence my decisions so much. Once I got there I noticed that my true motivations didnt involve much more than preservation of consciousness…which is still the ego acting out of fear…but its food for thought I suppose.

Here’s hoping you turn things around soon!

Couldn’t have put it better myself TWF.
One thing that’s good that’s come out of the shitstorm I’ve put myself in is that now I’m getting a better understanding of how majick works and like you said I’ve learned how to properly attack a situation by finding it’s weak spots and working on those instead of just trying to summon a demon or 2 and just say “fix it”.

They’ll fix it but in a way you DO NOT want and it will create more problems.

A series of small workings on different aspects of a problem has got me more involved with majick and the basics I’ve overlooked or took for granted (A candle and a prayer go a long way) and I’m learning to use MY power to overcome obstacles instead of hoping a spirit will do things the way I didn’t even ask it to.

Lesson learned.
Thanks for the post bro.Good reminder of something a lot of people miss.


^ This is really apt… recently I came to realise that the programming of an egregore and the use of intention in magick are extremely similar things, when that intention’s based on your core personality and drives - if you can hold your intention strongly enough and without any fear or second-guessing, you become as one with that level of targeted consciousness, acting both as human and machine-like “I exist to fulfil my goals” entity.

I think this is why very evil people (I’m talking baby-raping evil, not pragmatic or insecure evil) succeed so well - they merge with their desires to become like a guided missle of goal-focused activity.

To see a basically well-adjusted guy like you who has so much to offer (and I mean that on top of what you already do) tripping over his ego, whilst malicious little farts in the global political world get rich, dine on the profits of blood and corruption, and go down with a place in the history books and a loyal following makes me think even more that life isn’t about right and wrong as we judge it, but about power, and the good guys are often the ones who are the most wary of their own.

But to get back on topic, the idea of aligning your workings by knowing what’s really going on behind them is a really good idea, and yes I’ve also had huge problems in the past where my real will to, for example, make someone love me (whoah - and this reply just spawned this post) was askew with what I really wanted.

Eh, sorry to threadjack my own reply, anyway yes - know what you want, own it, and also be aware of any potential times when you hand off real power to another - an idealised partner, an idealised self, or some figure from religion or mythology - and own those motherfuckers right back home where they belong…