A evocation/invocation method by xaryasha

before some time i asked the demon Xaryasha to learn how to evoke more better,more effectivily

so here it is

phase 1 visualizition /connection

start by visualizing a small blue circle
see it getting bigger and bigger
make it fill all your mind and then transform it to a galaxy with the spirit that you are calling at with its color…visualize the spirits sigil on the center
get more deeper at the sigil,feel everything on your vision,see it all,be there,allow your self to get lost on the spirit’s galaxy


phase 2


now you are sunking deep at the galaxy,now you make your own voice
you can say the spirit’s enn or say this

“Kama kala kama kala (n)”

Xaryasha actually recommended me the incantation from indigo priestess

"balech tu ach ma tu "

intetion: connection

phase 3

the calling forth

now you can add your standard calling on the spirit,if you want you can contitnue with the incantations but with the intent to summon,the phase 2 incantation the intetion is to connect same with phase 1

original calling foth by xaryasha

“i summon you forth (n) into this magical temple show your self in my mind show your self,be everywhere,come to me (n)speak to me so i may get the knowladge of yours,oh great (rank) (n) come and teach me,make your self known to me (n)”



before the ritual think only about the spirit.its name,sigil etc,you will see that you are going to be guided.
the ritual to phase 1 to 2 could be part of your daily meditation
it can be perfomed with only the spirits candle,if you want.
if you want to have a phyisical sigil its fine,when you visualize look at the sigil,but keep yours eyes closed
you can have nothing at the ritual,just you
the spirit on somecases of mine.on some time between changing to phase 2 the spirit actually evoked me into places,like desserts,kidgoms etc
the best note:
the more time that you spend at phase 1 is the better.if this ritual will take 30 minutes the 15 would be spend at the phase 1.
make it personal,listen to what your intuition tells you about the time


Very interesting. I think this would really help out a lot of people. Thank you for sharing this :+1:


Thank you for sharing this


How do you avoid imposter spirits?

Did you have contact with impostor ??

i just want to know how to avoid it as im still working with evocation.

Have you banishment before?

Banished.? yes

From a researched forum …
I did not have this problem, I contacted Paltator twice and went to the same place every other time