A demon to help with being passionate

Now when i mean passionate i mean actually two different meanings. Since English is not my main language, this is the word i found best to describe both what i seek.

  1. Passionate in terms of sexual libido and sexual prowess i would even say to dark bestial extents. For example if i want to really invoke roughness in me to even sinister levels in BDSM.

  2. Passionate in terms of my soul having so much passion, to unleash my soul. If it’s in music for example then to scream from the depths of my soul. To release this beautiful divine power within me, i feel it inside, i feel it dies to get out already to the world, but there are so many things blocking it and i do not know how to unblock them. To be able to speak my mind from my soul without politically correctness or social restrains, in summary to unleash and unrestrain my soul entirely. To be wild. Whatever you would like to call it!

I was thinking maybe Alfpunias but i am not sure.

I’m still hearing that you’re blocked, not that you’re deficient in anything.
Try Glas’yos?

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I got nothing to lose, thank you!

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Gotta love synchronicity - I finally contacted Belial on an issue and he brought in Glas’yos just this morning, or I wouldn’t even have thought of him. :smiley:

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