A demon that hunt me it back!

A few weeks ago there was a demon in my room.it threatened me,and threw things of the wall.i invoked the gatekeepers after that and asked them they said it wasnt us.i thanked them and did a banishing ritual.i thought now its gone.but i was so wrong and i see now it was nothing.today i did meditation and feel a very dark force.then i feelt that it pull on my feet and then he pulled my soul out my body.now you are mine!no i said and i fight him he laughed so weak i show you weak i called the gatekeepers but nothing
Happend i am not a gatekeeper or a angel not even thaumiel can save you! I am much…worse i am a dark one and you are mine!no i am not and with difficulty i woke up.

Please can someone say what it is i have a feeling that this is just the beginning!


This is a title of the gatekeepers The “Dark ones” “The Dark Shining Ones” “The Infernal hosts” are all titles of them.

Maybe that spirit is a ally with the gatekeepers?i know that the gatekeepers have similar spirits with them sort of their left hands.


Why will he hurt me the gatekeepers are respectful to me and i to them

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i had similar expiriences and Ea Koetting had too,belial told him “You will follow us,You will follow us till your very damnation” this sounds like what the spirit told you “You are mine” ea had many expiriences like that with the gatekeepers that he is of the gatekeepers and i even have too.

try to call upon the gatekeepers,to belial.


Can it be enki i have called him one time and he was mad at me

Try to meditate on the subject as a whole,meditate on the whole case and problem and demand a respectful communication between any spirit,but request it with the power of your immortal godhood you can say something like this

“I Invoke the Omnipotent power,the omnisciencent knowladge,and the omnipresent stillness of my godhood,so i shall be protected by the almighty one and the bornless one that is me,
i command any spirit to hear my declare of respect,so i may have a respectful communion with you
i call the spirit that causes fear and hunts me
that looks at me with fury,i call you to come
but come with respect and calmness,so we may have a respectuful communion
with respect and a clear intention for our any problems between us to be fixed so that my path will contintue with calmness and peace!


Thank you🙂

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Can I ask what objects were thrown against the wall? Were they random or specific objects?

You seemed to be in a state of sleep paralysis, I think with everything new and going on in your mind, couple with all the fear and excitement you experience your subconscious is playing on those fears and magnifying them in an effort to pull out your self preservation instincts.

I am wondering if this is indeed you! Meaning whatever your tapping into is waking you up somehow or at least the darker aspect of you. I think what you are writing is what happened but I think you need to look deeper for a hidden meaning. Communication is always limited, based on your level of experience and knowledge and they will pull at things that make sense to you. There’s more to this.

Totally agree with @Xag_darklight, he is learned in his craft and the invocation he gave you is awesome allowing you to assert your Godhood and take control of your situation :slight_smile:

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The things that fell of the wall where two paintings of a dragon and one of a praying angel

Agreed, with @Xag_darklight, usually when possessive terminology is used like that. Generally means your energetic rapport has synchronized or is in congruent with the celestial energy that specicif spirits or spirits “current” either has aligned proper with said spirits current or is in the process of that operator energetically has achieved connection to that energy… Correct @Xag_darklight?


i think it’s a test.
if the “thing” wanted to harm you seriously,then it would
Have in seconds instead of lecturing you some horror movie lines.
Turn you’re fear to power and unleash youre godhood!!!
Use visualization.
Dont let fear to take control of you and show that thing who is he messing with!!!:facepunch::muscle::love_you_gesture::+1::imp:


I will not fear it anymore i am more powerfull than him and let him see he have te wrong one😈


Thank you for the answere i will not be weak anymore and fight off


You are never weak,just unaware of youre godhood potentials powers.
It’s your’e dreams,your’e life,your’e playground!!
You are the invincible godess qween warrior of you’re
How dare he invade and insult you in you’re own realms?
Don’t ever forget that!!!:v::smiling_imp::heart: