A Conversation with the Lord of the Flies

Alright fine. :sweat_smile:
Thanks Adam!

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Alright, tell BB I’m sorry for my mirth, but this is a serious question. What is the Path of the Golden Flame?


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My question is that I have been in touch with beelzebub over the last couple of weeks and seeing his presence manifest as flies.I do feel him around.

I keep asking him the same question as to when things will be better for me financially but the communication goes blank… if he is answering personal and not theoretical questions please ask him to give a sign or answer my question.


Another fancy name for the same thing everyone else is doing.

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Ah I see.
What is the place where all godforms converge?
How is it different from the Zeonil Constructs, Ordon Zones, Oriddion Paradigm, and Goruudha Spaces Belial spoke of?

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It’s the difference between perceived reality and created reality.

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How does one integrate the Chaos of their life and become a master over it?

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Learn to surf and you will get it.


Is free will obtainable by fully merging and becoming your godself in all ways?


@AdamThoth A tip from him for a beginner with a former Christian background who changed his views.


Free will is not something you obtain it something you have and learn to exercise


Drop dogmas and see things spiritually liberal.


That sounds like me now so that will be OK. Thank you!

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There is desire, intuition, will, the voice within/of magick, revelations of prophecy, but how else does a person have the path that he wants revealed to him so that he may obtain the secrets it leads to?

Can we all overcome our destiny in order to set a higher one for ourselves?

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Does Beelzebub know anything about me that I don’t know myself?

Someone psychic once said I’d achieved enlightenment in a past life. What you intuit might shed some light on me

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Beelzebub is the lord of Hypnosis. The fly dominates a low place, it’s born in putrefaction and feeds off of decay, who says flies fly high? Beelzebubs buzz will lull you into a deathly trance and slowly harvest your odorous emanations of disgust and bile. The flies clean up after death. The flies are euphoric over the odor of all that rots.

Time is repetition, pattern, rhythm. Beelzebub is a lord these things. Recognize this.


Please ask Beelzebub this,
No matter how old a person is, how can they overnight deprogram themselves from religious and dogmatic ideas they were raised and contained in all their life, if the idea of a hell is true, hypnosis or imaging?

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What causes the Void to beget infinity and manifest Form?


Trick question, But serious @AdamThoth

What relation does Beelzebub have to the novel “The Lord of the Flies”

Does he embody primal instinct?


@AdamThoth I would like to know if Beelzebub has recently been reaching out to me and if so, for what purpose? Also I feel like he was watching over me for a long while, but I only now pieced it together.