9 gatekeepers

I have been shown a ritual involving the 9 gatekeepers. I don’t yet know who is to be involved . I invite all to speak with their guides. Those who are to be involved will be told by their guides.


Cool beans. What is the goal of the ritual?


Looking forward to whatever result this work will bring, having initiated work with the 9 myself im interested in results that others have.

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It seems to be a lot of gatekeeper-itis going around. I’m doing a major working with them as well, good luck to you and your operation.

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Yeah I was wondering if @Weare is getting the same vibe…
@Weare - have you seen the Grand Rite of the Unveiling working thread that involves some of the gatekeepers?
You might like to join?

Yes. Are you talking about a pathworking now or one ritual with all 9 at once?

OMG, ok so, disclaimer: I invoked Belial last night, and the first thing he did was laugh our heads off. And now today everything is funny. :smiley: I’m normally not easily amused…

Here’s another! Here’s EA going on about how ‘scared’ he is to do the 9 gatekeepers pathworking (yeah, no he isn’t), and I suddenly realised the background is a drop cloth behind his desk, that obviously caught on fire in the last ritual - and it’s so cool and so fucking funny. I can just see the alarmed EA beating out the flames mid-ritual. Ah fun times. :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:


i just thought these guys were around me and i passed through this post :weary:

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Ok here is what i Invision for this rite of the gatekeeper. 9 volunteers to be possessed by the the gatekeepers. They then give me the keys to unlock the gates within myself. That is the summary version. Any thoughts?

And…? What do the 9 get out of it that they couldn’t have gotten for themselves?

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A chance to see my ugly mug in person

So the 9 people are gonna meet up for the ritual?


I’ve worked with the 9 gatekeepers before. But it’s with ocat, lanut and the rest.

Never tried opening gates with Belial etc.
I would appreciate if y’all share your experiences :slight_smile:

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I sense more of an excitement in EA than being scared. There’s a word I’m looking for… like the scared-thrill of roller coasters or whatever.


So this ritual then is basicly v 2.0 of the lake of fire ritual with the distinct difference that it involves all gatekeepers and that all 9 will have a vessel which was an optional choice in the lake of fire.
The idea of a simulary ritual is something ive had aswell after reading abouth the gatekeepers and the lake of fire, in my case thou i still need the lake of fire done since ive only done a light version and by instruktions from Belial and Azazel been told my knights will come when im ready and they have started to assemble(:slight_smile:
For this work to be beneficial i assume that pathworking with all 9 gatekeepers should be complete beforehand aswell as the lake of fire. Its interesting to se so many ppl working in this direction and comming up with the same concept and ideas.
Looking forward to where this will go and how it will fit in with my own discoveries and experiences.

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Yes exactly

This is my plan not sure how it’s going to come together though. If they want this done i trust them i will do what I must.

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I’m up for it. I can either do Azazel or Belial

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Yes, but in the lake of fire ritual, all the practitioners and the whole congregation went through the gates as well.

I can’t be arsed to go to the movies for an $11 matinee, why would I take vacay and but a plane ticket to watch someone else have all the fun?

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Clearly It needs to be done 10 times so everyone can be the gatekeeper

Obviously I need to try to simplify this but would gladly have 9 people to share this with

Well, I’m interesting in it. So just keep me posted. I’d be willing to participate

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Yes im aware of that distinction aswell and im on point with you that me neutrer would go through all the work not too open the gate for myself aswell.

Well If all 9 knights are to be vessels then its up to 1 single person to evoce all 9 gatekeepers, i do remember from both accounts of lake of fire that evocing 4 gatekeepers was exhausting and even there the burden was shared.
So i assume you dont mean to actually do the entire ritual 10 times that would take a long time. Would be cool thou since that would mean that all participens could switch gatekeeper each time and in the end have been possesed by all 9.(;

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