777 Number

This is a number well known by numerology and other mystical currents, also brought back to main stream those lasts years because of Doreen Virtue and her angel messages.
Anyway, I have hated this number over 5 years now,
Each time I saw it, I would be in trouble and had to fight to overcome what was sent my way,
It was clearly a " alert" signal that fight was coming, I would suffer, yet, I was victorious each of those hard trials of life.
Recently, I decided to take this number as something positive, and today something incredibly beautiful happened: ( I am on my phone, will write it in two parts right now)


We went for a walk and take some bread my man and I, and when we came back home, I saw this number again, at a car,
A small voice of intuition has tell me in my head: take it easy, everything is gonna be ok"
Then we turned around the corner of our street,
When we immediately saw 5 females roe deer crossing the street,it was so beautiful to see,
We live at 5 minutes of a town surrounded by nature, but our home is so next to houses and buildings, there is no way we would see them even approach the habitations, if not by simply extremely good luck,
It is not the hunting season, they have no reason to run from the forests,
We felt so lucky…
Then my small voice has tell again: "all around the world, they are a symbol of grace and freedom"
We go out from our car, they disappeared behind a wood…then two of them came back, stared at us for a entire good minute, then disappeared in the woods again…
A awesome signal the my mind is finally accepting the 777 as something positive, finally,
Still feeling in a awe for this


Tav, Shin, Ayin, Zayin - seal/cross, tooth/fang, eye/fountain, sword/armor. The tooth rips and tears, the seal at the gate of tears, the eye and phallus, the sword. Cosmic Initiation, Revelation, Material Bondage, Discernment.
One principle of gender and smell, three agencies without a law between.
There are alchemical attributions, consciousnesses, virtues, vices, etc.
Malkuth-Yesod, Lilith-Gamaliel, Malkuth-Hod, Lilith-Samael, Tiphareth-Geburah, Thagirion-Golochab, Tiphareth-Binah, Thagirion-Satariel.
Tav, Resh, Ayin, Zayin: Thantifaxath, Shalicu, A’Ano’Nin, Zamradiel.
Those are the paths.
Adonai ha Aretz, Shaddai El Chai. Lilith, Naamah. Adonai ha Aretz, Elohim Tzabaoth. Lilith, Samael. YHVH Eloah Ve Daath, Elohim Gibor. Asmodeus,Sorath. YHVH, YHVH Eloah ve Daath. Lucifuge Rofocale, Sorath.
Those are the names.
At least for that spelling of 777.


That is what I thought Fuego, this number is a real magical chaotic mess, lol, and is all related to initiation of something,
Also, I did not liked in the past to read it is so sacred, that it takes you way from all mundane goals, like love money pleasures, and focuses the initiated in a spiritual path only…
Then I remembered, most of my life, while I feel really concerned about my material being,
I am more focused about my third eye and what I can get or achieve from this, even in times when I had little to no money at all,lol,
But happily, this is just one of the several symbols showed for us in a daily basis to reveal the inner or outer universe has something up going on,
We can take it or not.
I am taking it, for now :slightly_smiling_face:

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You could focus on Thagirion, Sorath, 666 if it makes you feel more comfortable. This is just my opinion.
But alchemically, earth and putrifaction, moon and whitening, mars and reddening and back to putrefaction, some yellowing - Thagirion tincture and satariel the stone?

Well, thanks Fuego good points on it,
But right now it would be madness for me to focus on anyone else or new energies till my pacts with Lucifer ,Belial and Bune are finished,
And the others rituals that are going around, my energy would just disperse,
I am not new to magick, but I am new in to black magick, till the energy of those two Lords and Lady are not stabilised on me, I really can’t go trying contacting with anyone or anything else,
But I will keep your advices in mind, very kind of you :wink:

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Look up 777 by Crowley, lots of good info.

Yes, I have all the Crowley collections at home, it is really intriguing how he feels,explains and constructs his ideas!
After years reading old books about numbers and numerology ,also the meaning of those around the centuries, I am more on modern authors nowadays,
But for sure, there is a great good base of knowledge to take from our elders, they are the ones who solidified and kept alive most of the info we know now! Thanks Fuego!

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@Fuego1 Fuego what is the Crowley significance of 3.33 and 911

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7 is a sacred number to the Lord Kek


Hi @damia2hell, he doesn’t include real numbers, just integer values based by weight on the alphabet values.
Now, of 3, I can report … Mystic number of Chokmah, series (1…2). Father. To come, go.
Of 33, I can report…
Sorrow, wept, mourned; Aries Day Demon BAL. To destroy, a king of edom, BLA. Spring, fountain.
Of 333, I can report …
Qabalah of the Nine Chambers, Choronzon, snow.
Of 911, I can report …
Hell of Tiphareth, beginning, remnant.

Interesting to me.
Check out Bill Hridricks Grmatria page. Or Godwin’s Qabbalistic Encyclopedia for more value strings found.
Also the time I called 911 this morning for heart issues.

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