3 Nights working with Archangel Raphael :

I was working with Archangel Raphael for quite a few health issues. I decided to share my experience here as I had promised him I’d do it and to inspire others to work with him.

He appeared to me with fair skin, emerals green eyes and in green robes. On the second Night he wielded a staff. His hair is hard to describe but it seemed Blondish. He has a calling voice.

After Night 1: Much of the pains and issues where eliminated. As in gone.

After Night 2: He has a calm voice and is very loving. We hugged. He gave me the impression that he actually wants to help the Practioner and doesn’t really expect anything in return . On Night two it felt like Archangel Micheal and King Lucifer were present too.

After Night 3: Because I forgot about the third Night I decided to redo it Tonight. My issues have reduced and I’m under the impression that it’s up to me to finish the healing. Archangel Raphael isn’t mad that I didn’t stick up to my end of the bargain and helped me regardless.

So that’s mt experience. If you ever need help with a Health issue and Archangel Raphael’s name pops up, don’t hesitate!!

Thank you Archangel Raphael :rose::heart:


The meditation I used was by Josie Grouse :star:


It appears that this mediation was successful but there’s a lot I need to heal myself.