3 free card reading (Closed)

Thank you!

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I’ll trade you a reading for a reading. I need the interpretation practice.

Willing to trade. I would love the practice as well. Thank you.

The cards tell that your passionate, creative person who strongly driven by your emotions look like your trying open up to people more. The card tell me you should be prepared to give up any thing that not essential to your journey trust your intuition and look for subtle signs in the world.

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Got a questions

Would like to know if I’ll find a better job soon.

The Cards tell me that its a time for self reflection and not to compare yourself to others let go of desired outcomes and you’ll get what you want. Lasty you should be more clear about what you want to other even if mean to be harsh to them. Your chance of getting job are good as long as you play in active part of it.

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Can I get a general reading.

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Can I get reading about my spiritual journey

For your reading, I pulled the Devil, 8 of coins reversed, 10 of swords, and the star reversed. So with these four cards, I feel like you’re ready for something to end. Something you once enjoyed is not exciting to you anymore. This could be career realted or relationship related. Maybe it’s a work replationship that’s gone sour and you’re just ready to move on because this does not serve you anymore. The devil upright speaks of some kind of represion of some kind, maybe you don’t speak honestly with this person but with the 8 of coins reversed, you’re getting very tired of the daily grind with this person and you’re ready to focus more on yourself. With the 10 of swords reversed and the star reversed, this relaionship is basically dead to you. It’s lost all it’s charm. For the clarifier I pulled the queen of cups upright. With this card, it seems to signify you taking more interest in your self-worth. More interest in you. You’re ready to nurture yourself.

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Thank you😉@Jonny_somthing

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Inverted Cross: The Foundation

  1. The root of the problem, what’s causing it?

V The Hierophant

Tradition; conforming; education

Pressure from outside influences giving opinions on your behavior and what actions to take.

  1. How is the problem affecting me?

Reverse XII The Hanged Man

Closed-minded as you do not see any other perspective – you may also be squandering time.

  1. How is the problem affecting others?

7 of Cups

Wishful thinking and being tempted by choices that may or may not be realistic.

  1. The face of the problem, how do I view it?

Reverse 3 of Pentacles

Lack of progress; no team spirit

  1. The heart of the problem, what is it really?

Reverse IV The Emperor

Dealing with an authority figure that is unfair, irresponsible, and/or power-hungry. If referring to your internal state, it means letting your emotions drive and influence your actions instead of acting logically.

  1. What should I NOT do to try and fix the problem?

Reverse Page of Pentacles

Do not slack off. You’ve been trying to lay the foundation to your work and rebelling now through procrastination is not within your best interests.

  1. What should I do to try and fix the problem?

Reverse 5 of Cups

You need to let go of the emotional baggage by either moving on with your life or by having a reunion with the one that pains you.

As Above, So Below. As Within, So Without:

  1. Outside influences

XV The Devil

Bondage; materialism; addiction

  1. Inside influences

8 of Wands

Quick action; communication; progress

This is the first time I’ve tried off the username alone. Let me know what you think.

I appreciate the reading you did and it is rather spot on with the ones I’ve been doing for myself lately.

Question: what deck is that because it’s gorgeous!