11:11 and King Paimon Sigil

Well…that interesting

For me its ALWAYS 6:16 and 666 literally everywhere, not sure about the meaning tho, different people say differnt things, but I take it as a sign that the spirits are there, never too far away.

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Doesn’t fail

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I’ve I’ve seeing 11:11 or 1:11 since age of 21…magick lifestyle AND dedication had tenfold the occurrence, I see it on digital scales at work, and any time I’m heavy into spiritual energy Its honestly like i can’t miss it…maybe I need to integrate both male and female energies. I like that one , its the first meaning I havent heard.
11 Is the number of magick , the Qlipoth , and the great work , am correct?

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Thats badass

@Aratna, @AradiaX, @MiKu,

These are Angelic numbers and the way they like to talk with us. Fallen Angels or others names you wish use them too.

1111 - Number of connection, spiritual awareness/aligned/trigger and manifestation (111). Every time you see this make a wish, it will manifest if you put intend into it.

222 - When a situation is at hand think of it as temporary, it will be ok. This situation comes with a certain solution. Talk to your Angels/Fallen Angels, source if you got doubt.

333 - Connection with ascended masters/divine. For everyone this can be different. Lucifer, Watchers, Source, Jesus etc…

444 - Your connection with your Angels/Fallen Angels is better then ever. They are with you when you see this number.

555 - Is the number of a change. You must change a certain situation or a situation is changing. Could also be spiritual changing or life changes.


Yep manifestation :slight_smile:

Agreed, it’s the number of material things in life, this needs to stay in balance - 666
616 ask you to give fears about life and material things to your Angels/Fallen Angels. If you keep positive thoughts, things can manifest.

And true your connection is good when you keep seeing numbers.


Now for @Aratna, many people don’t know that legions of Angels are under King Paimons lead. So I really think this is him or the Angels communicating via numbers.

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:heart_eyes: great thanks!

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Thanks Borgy :slight_smile:

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Well look at this @Borgy

by the way thanks for the information!


:rofl: it’s following me… 333


Who you are connecting to? :grin:

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:joy: I’m telling you! Something big as coming for sure!


:rofl: other than Lucifer I have no idea…

Since everyone sends you their screenshots for some reason heres mines :wink:

I have at least 30 examples haha


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: this is cool!

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You wish for more?

Have some in real life examples as well somwhere on my phone these are just from games I play from time to time


The 6s started appearing to a friend when I started him down that path and he was just “WHAT IS THIS”

My response: yea, that’ll happen