The Real Work Begins [The Path of Smoke]

Yesterday was rough on me emotionally. Working through limitation after limitation drains you in ways you can’t understand until you experience it.

It felt like I totally got my ass kicked in the dojo and I limped home, energized yet bloodied and bruised. lol

Last night, I checked in with my intuition and made a list of exercises to perform as I’m working my way through BMOA.

This morning, I started sungazing. I was really surprised by how much energy I could receive in 10 seconds.

After the 10 seconds, I pulled the energy from my crown and head into my heart center, mixing it with my inner Black Flames. I imagined the first form of my Shadow Self and pushed the energy through my heart center, surrounding my physical body with it.

I chose a more aggressive form than I am used to. I need to embrace that side of myself more.

As a teenager, I caught a very real glimpse of the darkness within me and it frightened. So I ran the other way and hid from it for a long time, letting the fear control me.

No more.

A few hours later, I practiced a basic exercise to raise my Kundalini. The exercise involved clenching and releasing the
perineum several times to encourage the Kundalini to rise.

When I finished, I allowed an image to flow into my mind and used it as my visualization.

I felt and imagined a black obsidian dragon’s egg sitting within my perineum. As I breathed, I imagined the black flames rising within the egg, giving birth to the twin serpents.

I spoke out loud to them, calling them by name, telling them to rise within me, to transform me into Ahriman Made Flesh.

I felt the Kundalini rising within me and imagined the twin serpents flowing up my spinal channel and out through the top of my head. A third dragon head emerged from my spinal channel. Together, they breathed black flames from their mouths and I imagined the black flames circulating around me, surrounding me, entombing me.

I stayed there, just breathing and imagining this, allowing myself to relax into it and feeling the heat rising within me and flowing through me.

Suddenly, I felt a burning sensation flare up in my perineum. I physically felt it and recognized it as a Kundalini spike, so I just breathed it up through my spine, flowing out through the black flaming breaths of the three serpents.

After the Kundalini spike, I had a brief bright and clear clairvoyant image flow into my mind. It wasn’t anything important, but the fact that is was crystal clear is rare for me.

I also noticed that the sounds of some workers outside was reverberating and vibrating through my entire body. They weren’t very loud to me when I wasn’t in this state, but I was hyper aware and could literally feel every strike of their hammer. It was like a loud drum banging within me.

The entire process lasted about 45 minutes.

I ran errands for a couple of hours, grabbed a bite to eat, and here I am. The heat is still flowing through me, although it has died down to a more comfortable level.

More exercises to come later tonight. After dark. :smiling_imp:


While I was waiting on my takeout order, I was sitting there, feeling a ton of dark fiery energy flowing through me from my Kundalini exercise.

I saw a very tasty girl and the sexual hunger I felt for her surprised me. It felt like a very dark appetite, almost like I wanted to devour her. In a very intense sexual and vampiric way, not in an actual cannibalistic way.

And it was certainly not an unpleasant experience for her in my mind. I could almost feel her getting off on the power.

My intuition told me the darkness came from my Shadow Self which I just started building and feeding today. I allowed the dark thoughts to flow and just accepted them.

That’s a huge change for me.

At one time, they would have frightened me. But now, I realize they’re a necessary part of myself.

And as my own god, I can choose to indulge them or not. It is my choice. I am not controlled by my urges, nor am I afraid of them.

Suddenly the girl looked a bit confused, turned to me, and made direct eye contact with me. I just smiled and she genuinely smiled back. And then I pulled the mask down a little tighter. lol

When I got home, I performed a very hard-style form of Qigong I’ve never performed before. I would describe it as very aggressive and draconic. It felt good to allow that power to flow through me, to strike out with an intensity I haven’t allowed myself to feel in a long time. Too long.


I took a nap for a couple of hours. I needed the rest after working to raise my Kundalini today.

As I lay in bed on my stomach, I snapped awake.

I saw a large black left hand reaching down over my face. The hand was much larger than my own hand and the fingers were pointed toward the ground. It was about 6 inches in front of my face and felt like it was reaching over and around the top of my head from the back.

I laughed and called out “I see you!” The hand faded from sight as I came up out of the trance state.

I went to the bathroom and took a piss. While standing there, I kept feeling like there was something behind me. It didn’t frighten me and I’ve often felt powerful spirits approach me from behind.

I went back to my bedroom to put on my clothes and saw a pool of black shadow moving around at my feet. I couldn’t see it clearly, so I just stood there and watched it, allowing my eyes to adjust to the dark.

I extended my left hand and called it to surround my left hand. I was hoping I could see it more clearly. I felt the energy flow around my left hand, but I couldn’t really see anything there.

One odd thing that started to happen was that my left index finger and left middle finger started to fade away, like they had become invisible. I could see the second knuckle on my index finger and middle finger, but everything above it was gone. As I turned my hand, I watched them fade back in and then disappear again. I could even see the left ring finger and pinky behind it, so it was very much like those fingers had disappeared rather than something blocking my view of them.

I stood there for I don’t know how long. And then I tried to communicate with this energy. I asked who it was and it didn’t answer. I asked several times. No answer.

So I told it to come again when it was ready to speak to me and then I flicked my left hand upward, like I was shooing a bird that had landed on my hand.

I felt a chill go up my back. Not a chill like something had come up behind me unexpectedly. No, this was a chill like something warm had been standing against my back and had left when I flicked my hand upward.

I appreciated the interesting experience, but I had work to do.

So I came into my living room, sat in a chair facing north, and began the Black Sun meditation E.A. suggests on one of his videos.

I used my own version of mental projection to soul travel to a flat desert plain and watched the Black Sun rise in the west.

I felt energy flowing in through my eyes and down into my heart center, feeling the Black Sun residing within me growing with each breath.

I felt the shadow of the Black Sun fall across me, the gentle warmth sweep over my skin, and saw a deep purple nimbus surround the Black Sun. As I watched it with the same intensity I sungazed this morning, I breathed in the dark energy from it. Squiggly rays of deep purple spread outward from the Black Sun.

I felt awe at how close and powerful it was. And I continued to breathe in the energy, feeding the Black Sun within me.

As I sat there, breathing in the dark energy of the Black Sun, I heard myself begin to chant the Dark Speech. I listened briefly as the powerful sounds flowed out of me more rhythmically than they did the first time … and then I just released the need to listen and allowed it to happen.

An unknown time later, I deeply inhaled and breathed the darkness out through my heart center, surrounding myself completely with a cloud of Living Darkness. As I breathed, it drew closer to me, watching me as I watched it. I was back in my living room, sitting in my chair, my entire room filled with the cloud of Living Darkness.

I sat breathing for I don’t know how long, allowing the Living Darkness to caress my skin as I inhaled and feeling it gently flow away as I exhaled.

I had flowed from the Black Sun meditation directly into the Darkness meditation from the First Flame of the OAA.

And then I breathed the Living Darkness back into my heart center and breathed it out as my own aura, feeling it fill the room.

Breathing it in then breathing it out, feeling and imagining my aura filling my entire apartment complex.

Breathing it in then breathing it out, feeling and imagining my aura filling my entire town.

Again, my aura filling my entire state.

Again, my aura filling the entire world.

Again, my aura filling the entire universe.

And I sat there, breathing the darkness in and expanding my aura, filling the entire universe.

I flowed from the Darkness meditation into the Aura Expansion exercise from BMOA.

I was counting breaths by touching the tips of my fingers. My original plan was to do it for 9 breaths, but I found a very unusual thing happening on the 8th breath.

As I breathed, I felt as though I were the universe itself breathing. I stopped counting and just breathed … and when I breathed, the universe breathed.

I lost all sense of time and just existed, breathing.

And when I returned, I knew instinctively that I should call back the shadowy force I sent away before the meditations.

So I called out to it and told it to return if it wished. That if it was sent from Ahriman, it should reside within my Temple.

I felt a sudden and powerful heat whoosh up behind me. This heat was more intense than the Kundalini I felt earlier, but it was not uncomfortable. Just powerful.

I asked who it was and it replied that it was a Div.

After a few moments passed, I asked for the Div’s name. I got in my way a little and felt some resistance, so I just breathed it’s energy in through my spine and allowed it to flow through my aura more strongly.

And the Div answered … “I am Aighash.”

I know I’ve heard the name while reading the Black Book, but I still can’t remember which Div he is.

We had a simple and cordial conversation. The contents really aren’t anything special, just an introduction.

But he did tell me I should read about him within the Black Book and “come to know me”.

I told him I would.

In my imagination, he appeared as a dark shadowy creature made of pure darkness towering over me from behind. His head featured great wide horns like that of a steer. The impression I got was of a great hulking demonic torso. He had no legs for his waist faded directly into a shadowy cloud of darkness.

I just knew it was his hand that had woken me from sleep.

I felt no fear. I simply recognized his power.

The only notable thing that happened was that he “dismissed” me when the conversation was finished. He said “Go now and return to your world. We will speak again when the time is right.”

Now, I’ve allowed a few close personal spirits tell me something like this before and I would slowly open my eyes and come out of my trance state.

But not this time.

Without any anger or really any emotional reaction at all, I said “No. You do not dismiss me. And I do not dismiss you. For we are one. You are an emanation from within me as I am Angra Mainyu Made Flesh.”

He acknowledged this with a slight nod of his great horned head and said “Farewell. Until we meet again.”

I returned it “Farewell, Aighash. Until we meet again.”

The entire experience felt like it could have lasted an eternity … or at least several hours considering the amount of information that flowed into my mind.

And yet, only 45 minutes passed in this physical world.


I just found and read the entry for Aighash in the Black Book.

Wow. Very fitting.

I’ve already started to see the effect my gaze has had upon strangers recently.

And I am working on learning to see through my undeveloped clairvoyance.

I’m also working through my own emotional states right now.


You could work more with your Chakras, especially your ajna Chakra. That’ll definitely improve your clairvoyance.

That was an amazing experience btw, I had a great time reading that. Keep up the good (or should I say evil?) work :wink:



Appreciate the advice, Aluriel, but that is not something that is recommended or encouraged in this current. I’m still working my way through BMOA, but I’ll start practicing the Kunda Yoga methods when I get that far.

“Evil” only in the sense that it opposes what is deemed “good” by the dogmatic religions that have been used to control us through the centuries. :smile:


Yes of course, that’s exactly what I mean’t :slight_smile: