Support needed

Thanks friend, appreciate your views😊

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Some have talked about altars on your pc. If it’s your personal one I’d look into that.
I’ve known technomancers but don’t know the practise myself. Maybe it could help you, they do everything with technology.

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Meditation. You can do everything in your mind, without doing anything in the outside world. Use the search function here and look up ‘building your astral temple.’ Visualization is your friend.

Meditation does have a scientific basis and has been studied extensively. Your father can’t argue about it. It has been shown to lower blood pressure, relax the body, release endorphins, raise optimism, and improve concentration and focus, among a host of other benefits. A simple Google search will give you a bunch of scientific journals you can throw at him if necessary.


I started a month ago, I first evoked Lucifer, then Invoked him. After that ive been drawing sigils on sticky notes, writing down enns, and using the offerings i have. Its working out well, the spirits are very understanding of situations. Always respect them!

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Learn about brainwave states and how to obe. There’s alot of data on obe’s. Your dad might even be interested. I’ve obe’d before.


Here’s a free copy of an occult book you can download to your computer or mobile device.

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Theta/gamma ^ good advice up there @BlackFlameEmissari

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Thank y’all so much. Very positive and happy after reading every reply.

Totally agree. Just read a young siddha’s memoir, he said that he got all the siddhis, results of elaborate physical rituals just by visualizing them as he couldn’t afford those physical items at that time living in a cave in sub zero temperature.


:scream: WTF, what kind of mother is that. Can Totally relate.
Damn having shitty family really sucks. I had even worse, hardly any day goes without think about torturing my dad and other family members. And if I want I can easily kill them :triumph: . But for some reason I don’t. Let me know if I can be of any help. I am not a big shot in the LHP, but know stuffs about rhp/spirituality in general. Keep ascending :wink:

She’s gotten a lot better. She just has a thing for control. I’ve just gotten really good at pretending… but I hate it. Sometimes I forget what the truth is. Going to church every week… having home bible studies. It’s hard not to lose yourself.

I think parents reflect onto us what was put onto them.

Nah, that would imply the cycle of crap will never end. People learn and change. Every generation is better than the previous one. I don’t know your age but get away from all the shitty people and become independent as soon as possible. By means of job or college/university, doesn’t matter.


Dada, bangali naki :sweat_smile:

Yeah brother, indeed Bengali :blush:

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The Quareia, Kybalion, Tao Te Ching, Go Rin No Sho, Vedas, and countless other occult texts are free online.


All I can advice you at this moment is that start some basic meditation and keep reading online. The rest will follow soon. Interesting in magic at such a young age is quite unique, or may be I am out of touch with this generation.

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You should find a job.

But, if you are in a situation when you CAN’T have one, try some simple candle spells to get money or the thing you want (- and of course, you can apply these to anything in your life, not only grimoires and magickal supplies)… Also, doing meditation and some simple rituals doesn’t require much expensive stuff to have with you. You can actually find many things in nature, or buy them not for more than a few bucks.

Also, if your parents don’t like what you want to practice, why not practice it in secrecy? Also, by doing magick in secrecy alone gives your magick better results

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You’re right. Each generation is better. She’s certainly a lot better than what she had. I will hopefully be moving out soon :blush:

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I had similar issues years ago. A few things you can do to make life easier:

Make an outdoor temple. If you have access to any kind of wilderness and privacy, consider going far off the beaten path and making an out door temple. Taking the ‘I cannot be caught!’ factor away will probably have an extremely positive effect on your efforts.

For books, I suggest pdf files. You can find damn near any occult work online, most of them free. It also solves the inconvenient problem of potentially leaving a copy of the Goetia on your desk to be confiscated.

Make your own tools. I would be doing this anyways. You can also learn to hide them in plain sight. A chipped and worked piece of slate can be a dagger, for example, but it looks like just a cool project you did. Lol, you could say it was a school project for a unit on stone age technology, lol. Wands, pretty obvious. Coin or pentacle is easy to hide as well. A cup is a cup, etc.

And in regards to questionable company, keep things to yourself. Silence is golden around non-practitioners.

Truth be told, I honestly do not think you need tools to get things done. A sharpie marker and a pad of blank paper is enough to manifest your will if it really comes down to it.


When I started it just a simple spells which didn’t require many ingredients, it was candle magick for example, start with something like that. I was doing most of my rituals during nighttime when everybody was asleep, I was also practicing when I was alone at home or outdoor in little forest next to my house. You can also find many interesting things to read online, I was reading a lot online. You don’t need a permission for practicing, it is only up to you. Best wishes MasterManiac, I hope I helped a little :slight_smile: