Power sensing topic

May I get one?

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Yes, allow me a few mins to set up everything and finish getting ready.


Thank you. The favour shall be returned


I am going to do more than my usual ‘glancing’.


Wide thrown are the gates of Anu Apsu Rhun’Ti! The unblessed fair folk whereabouts quelled by the fluctuations of my raw psychic might. For you … I see through flames and brimstone to a planeswalker; a man of robe’d countenance and bearded account, unveiling a rather oddly jaunty profile. Through a glowing door he hops; the scene shifts on, over the blackness which are my Fingers; the landscape evaporates as a gateway is cross’ed, and 'twain the picture is cut. A smirking devil with face akin to a shark’s, with infinitly more evil and intent in its eyes. It grasps up strings, and the rugged wizardly man is seen to be a puppet, and the beast shushes the view with finger raised to lips.


Overtop you I see shades varying from impure, dirty white to grays to blacks, none a single pure color. The mein of a man might be seen behind the haphazard, man-sshaped approximation of colors grouped together, but it seems disconnected and not yet truly whole. Yet, with an unstoppable determination does it stumble and fumble ever onward towards a VAST door, wreathed in smoke and lights that give off colors too pure for the descriptive words undwrtsood of mortals. It was as the Darkness’s First Light itself, and I do it not justice. But you MUST CONTINUE YOUR PATH.


And lastly thee O’ Wolf Of Sirius’ Pack. Together in that have We run, child; You remember me Not as you are not yet You. The wolf is a human child stomping and vaporising beneath a haze that is your essence. Given time as you have, you will dissolve that shape and retain naught but You, and to this be most True; 'tis the Way and Key and Path to Your wholeness. Yet your beseehing now is from vanity is it not? Bwahahaha!


@Semyaza I’m not quite sure what to make of that other than it sounds like someone is trying to mess with me?

Thank you for the reading.

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I take from it yes; it would address you as a competent warlock or sorcerer, the image of a rover planeswalker ; the demon is negativity or evil or actual demons trying to puppeteer and/or domineer you.


Thank you :blush:.

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No problem. If you would like I can offer a spell of protection for you.

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That makes a lot of sense, thank you so much.


Mind PMing me? I wish to seek the true meaning of this. I know most, but I seek all

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Sure, I figured as much.


… Now I would rather the readings if me be made
They were from too mortal a perspective earlier lol. By that I meant I wasn’t in possession of a mindset as this one.


A form made of shadow and flame dancing on top of an Aztec style pyramid. It looks up at the sky and opens it’s mouth as if to swallow the stars. I feel a sort of madness, but also an aching longing/loneliness. It roars, and the world shakes.


AND, guess what? There is nothing out in the woods here, but my powerful whiplash has something riled. I just heard a deep brass bell toll. Twice. From out there. Lol never before has this happened.


And… Simply wow.

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Maybe you should check it out then.

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I should lol. >:)