Member's Successes & Thanking Spirits - Do It Here!

Thankyou, Lucifer! My passport replacement ran smoothly, in spite of circumstances. All I need to do is trust you, you are there for me, I love you!


I have to give a great big thank you to Azazel!! I was having problems with a very rude and unpleasant person. Where i was at i couldnt do a ritual or anything and i needed help fast. I started reciting Azazel’s Enn and after just few times their whole attitude changed. They went from being a total bitch to nice. Yesterday i saw the same person and thwy were nice as could be. Where as before they were always rude and a total ass. So thank you Azazel!!! :slight_smile:


Thanks to all the Angel that have allowed me to Go Through my Angelic Pathworking until the end. It was Incredible and I learned so Much!



I would like to give a shout out to King Paimon, and spread the word of his power.

Though my task was not fulfilled exactly, the great King still deserves much thanks for his work on my behalf.

Hail, mighty King Paimon!


Thank you baba Ogun. Called on you seven days ago today and you cut right to the truth of a situation that was holding someone back for over a year.

I had no way of knowing what you revealed and neither did she. You came through with facts and proof in a way nobody can argue with.

Thank you for answering so quickly and so thoroughly. The way you came through was very inspiring to me.

I had no idea i could call the loi with radionic machines. Expect me to use vever and ponto on my machines much more often in the future.


Ok so with the recent concerns about deodorant causing cancer and Alzheimer’s disease amongst various other ailments and a ever growing health aware sosciety I saw a need. So in true Thoth style We set out to solve this problem not only for the health and well being of my own family but for the many folks out there that are fed up with the toxicities of modern hygiene products and it could be a nice payday if I can patent it and sell it to Johnson and Johnson or something.
The deodorant lasts a whopping five days without a need for replication. Trust me I Tested it my self. It’s not that it stopped working after five days in fact there was no odor whatsoever I just felt so gross I said fuck science I’m taking a shower. So it could verry well last much longer which would be absolutely great for military or any other situation in which one can not shower for long periods. What makes it even more incredible is that it’s safe enough to eat. Tastes terrible but yeah I did that test too. I felt confident knowing that all the ingredients were 100% safe for human consumption. Thanking my godform for his amazing advice! Cheers!


Curious as to its contents. For example i know baking soda is an all around excellent for a number of things. Currently I use the yellow Arm and Hammer baking soda deoderent stick. Now of course not for reasons of being chemical free, I just happen to enjoy it being dry and neutral in odor.


I didn’t get the result I was looking for, but I’m ok with how things worked out. I’m the assistant leader for TWO schools. The two schools I worked at last year. I get to work closely with someone I consider a good friend (maybe more in the future) and I am glad I get to see the kids at both schools daily. So either it didn’t work or it worked differently. Not sure which.


Sodium bicarbonate is a major component yes, but the secret to the formula is what I used to replace the other ingredients.


This isnt going to be like some weird hippy thing that smells like Old Spice is it? How long you go without shower?


It’s completely odorless, according to my experiment I remained odorless for up to five days without a shower but I would of course recommend you shower daily.


I shower twice a day. 5 days straight why? Nothing feels better than a nice hot bath, especially if its a hot spring.


I asked King Paimon to help me with my singing and gained more power, ease of execution and an extra half octave almost overnight! The free favours I have received since I began working with the King have certainly been appreciated, but this is beyond amazing! I am so full of thanks!


Thank you, mighty Earl, for the treasure you brought to me. It is greatly appreciated, and it is a great help. Praise be to you, Andromalius.


Father Lucifer and King Paimon, you are awesome beyond all belief! I submitted a design for the cover of a book about a very famous New Zealand singer/songwriter. Before I began, I asked Lucifer and King Paimon to guide and inspire me. That they certainly did and once I was told, “That’s it, it’s ready!”, I sneaked both of their sigils into the image.
I just found out I got the back cover, which means my work will be seen by thousands if not millions of people!


Hail Asmodeus! He is bringing me lots of women and I have a date with my dream girl coming up soon. Thank you so much Asmodeus!


So, Lady Eva mentioned something tells it’s Frigg.

As I felt I’ve been protected by some unknown force since
I came to this country last year. Norse Gods are my son’s bloodline gods
and I have nothing to do, but I do understand they’d
protect me so my son’s not going to be motherless.

I was given an old car by my ex partner’s ex gf, which I am thankful too,
but it really was old. I was suicidal and didn’t really care, but the
car’s brake pad was consumed and worn down to nothing.

So the car was making metal noise every time I used brake.
But I kept driving with it 100KM/H to commute everyday,
because I did not have money to fix, had to work, and I honestly didn’t
really care whether I die or not.

After a month of driving with the brake with no pad, on the day I was to move out
from my ex’s home, the brake broke off on the bearing and started to
sound very noisy like putting big metals thrown in to a washing machine.
I had to bring to the mechanic. The car they let me use while they fix was
with a big storage and I did not have to hire a bigger car for moving.

The mechanic showed me the ground brake and said he will keep them
on his garage wall because it’s his first time in his whole career
to see something like this.

the link is the photo of the brake pad:

Then I moved into a share house.

There were so many such coincidences finding this place too,
it was for my son’s favor, finding this place is one of it too.

As soon as I moved in, the share house owner’s parents decided to
go on 3 months trip and two cats came to the house.

One of them a black cat was very very good to me, she ended up
always around me, following around wherever I go.

One of flower reader at spiritual church said, ‘I see a black cat circling
around this person, this cat has a really good energy and almost protecting
this person.’

As I were very lonely and having difficult time, I was so relieved by her

Later I read somewhere in this forum Frigg shows herself as a black cat.
I asked through my Angel Card app on my phone “was Frigg protecting me
coming as the Black Cat?” then the card said ‘Yes.’

So thank you Frigg for protection.
According to guidance I provided my son with bedtime audio of the Norse
Mythology and now he loves it.

Since his father is not in good relationship with his biological father, who has
the bloodline, without those guidance I wouldn’t have been able to
give my son such chance to familiarize himself with the Mythology.

Giving him stories is one of my way to say thank you, and
I also would like to share protection, guidance and miracles.


So today i was in horrible pain!! I was literally in tears. And it takes alot of pain to make me have tears. Im the one that causes her tattoo artist to tap out first! But this pain was so terrible. Finally Azazel managed to get through he told me if i left a blood offering on my altat the pain would leave. At that point anything was worth a try. So i did using my blood. And bam!! The pain left! So thank you, thabk you Azazel!!


I want to Publicly thanks the God Ganesh, The Godesse Saraswati and my Beloved Lord Shiva, as well as all the other Spirit that bringed me so much Succes in my College Test until now, I am way Higher then the Class average (It is 60 in most of the Class and i am at least 85 and even 100 in many Class)



Think you King Paimon for all the little things you have brought into my life;)