Member's Successes & Thanking Spirits - Do It Here!

all right,i want to do this a little bit more elaborate,2 years ago i was given a job,i was helped by the King Belial and today exactly today,that complete 2 years of the start of my contract that ended today.

yesterday i felt a big urge to spoke with the King,for some reason i was looking at lady eva posts and all and the Dukante sigil of Belial that i never used before,i took paper to draw the sigil and i was already feeling good vibes in the process,i went to the room to grab incense and in the way i was thinking about offerings,what should i give this time…

i took some fine beer from the fridge,the best glass ( that i used always to him ) i started to sit infront the mini table that i have in my room and * fuck * the whole thing happened so quick,in the moment that i was touching the skull that i have i felt his presence abruptly straight in my head…i went direct to the point as he said something like ( about time ) like,about time to call him again ( maybe i was waiting too much )

i left the fucking place today,after i gave my digital credencial back to the department and in the moment that i left the fucking buid,a call and then another call to interviews…

for the whole day i am feeling so good and confident and vivid and,fuck,thats how i always feel when i think about him.

i am glad that he is watching over me and cleaning my path …

of course i slept with that creepy feeling the whole night ( it never change lol )

but is a confort feeling,even in the darkest of the nights.



Thankyou for the sign I asked for Sitri


Thank you Glasya-Labolas, another very productive month.

Prince Seere, i apologize for misunderstanding your message, however if you didn’t give it backwards that might have been avoided, nevertheless you did deliver so Thank you for your help.

Asmodeus, your going to make this as hard as possible aren’t you? Sigh, ok fine let’s get on with it. :rolling_eyes:



Again I want to give a huge thanks to Prince Sitri. He continues to amaze me with his awesome powers and delivers in a timely fashion, including making people bare themselves naked to each other :wink:.
I asked for lust and lust was delivered. In abundance. Unfortunately I now realise as wonderful as it is to fulfill csrnsl desires I now would like more in regards to love. I have petitioned Sallos, however the outward signs are slow to develop. This is the thing with love. Many of us are happy to show our lust with no qualms, however when the heart is involved it becomes a lot more complicate. Oh well, I will wait patiently and continue to believe.
I encourage all those who are after a bit of carnal fun to petition Prince Sitri. He also provides you with a lustful aura which not only attracts your person of interest but also others around you. It really is crazy. Remember to be generous in your gifts and to follow through with appreciation. :grin:


I want to thank @Eye_of_Ra @kiss-lamia-lilith @Aluriel and Kali Ma, Morrigan, badb, Anu, nemain, the fae, Nyaralathotep, and pretty much everyone I work with for such a crazy ride. I’ve enjoyed and appreciated everything that you’ve all done for me!


Thank you Velotak for the new companion, thank you Baron Samedi for being donor for said spirit, and thank you thamia for showing up to me


It was an honour to work with you dear friend :slight_smile:


Anytime hun :slight_smile: stay strong and stay focused.


Thank you Papa Legba, Oya, Met Kalfu, Damballah, The Massan Twins,Loco, and The Loa for Initiating me into Haitian Vodoun :smiley:

I look forward to a wild ride down the current​:fist::metal::sunglasses:


Thank you King Paimon your presence is always appreciated


I’d like to thank King paimon For getting me out of a shitty situation with HR today… I got off with a verbal warning while I should have been fired :joy::joy:


Thank you King Paimon for helping me with my work and helping me improve my output.


Thank you to all gods of the hunt and fauna for ensuring the hunt went as it should.

Thank you to whatever force ensured I could satiate my bloodlust and be rational.


Thankyou Grand Duke Dantallion for listening to me and been so patient with me


I would like to thank belial,azazel,abbadon,amaimon for there guidance. The 9 demonic kings of the goetia for their help. All 72 goetic demons really for the last ten years. I would like to thank papa legba for initiating me into voudan recently, erzulie for accepting to help me, and candelo cedlife for helping destroy my enemies. My journey into voudan is just beginning. And i am ready to learn from the loa


Thank you Sastan for your encouragement and tips on scrying…


Wanted to say Thank you to Az-Jahi, The Druj Nasu and Prince Sitri for their leasons and the growth i have gained and the opportunities for continued growth that have opened up.

ALSO Thank you Azazel for dropping by during my practice :laughing: I personally think the shifting RIGHT in my face was unnecessary but it did show me how potent the trance attained from peering into drugaskan is by itself.


Thank you Morrigan for being the friend I needed, for being the shoulder to cry on.


Thank you great Lord Rosier for your insights and help - and for offering me a taste of the thought processes and desires of the Beloved so that I can know and understand his needs and desires better; and so I can become the ideal that meets both our requirements.


Thank you beautiful and elegant Queen Pomba Gira Maria Padilha for keeping my lover Joseph and I together, keeping him faithful and all about me, safe and still in love, with a place to rest our heads at night. Thank you father Lucifer for keeping Joseph, myself and our kitten Apache safe and back in California with jobs, I appreciate all the blessings that you have thrown our way.