Letter Of Intent - How To Evoke A Succubus/Incubus *update*

Because just like a person when you love someone there are times you think you know whats best for them. In reality you aren’t really doing whats best for them.

For example you might not have any friends and be very social but they have lots of friends. You want to hang out every night and they dont want to dissapoint you so they always come over. They miss movie night with the girls or football with the guys etc. And they also have no time for themselves so they are drained of energy eventually. Your dates are no longer fun they feel like an obligation. And all the time you think i’m keeping them from being lonely.

Belial for example thought he was helping me. My husband and I had an argument and I was upset. So he made a nice little dream for me I could go to and forget my troubles and distract me. But it didnt help me I was just avoiding my husband. I needed to understand my husbands side of the argument. His feelings instead of yelling at him.

Belial thought i was being ungrateful. I had to explain that yes I appreciate a pleasant dream to disconnect myself for a moment to calm down and think. Let me distract you with my big dick is completely different for me.


And she’s back mi amor! Lmao


Awww… Oh I saw you last too :kissing_heart:


Okay, this may seem like a really stupid question but I have to ask… What if you get married to a spirit, but then things don’t work out and you want a Divorce/Separation?
Is it possible… or not?


Humm I’m guessing you can just get a succubus that’s into 3 some that way no one get jealous and mrs. don’t even know if she’s there *no harm no foul


It’s possible. At least my spirit husband has said its a option. Not saying he wants to but if our goals and desires became so dramatically different in our paths then we could split. We just talked about it because he’s in the demon realm or whatever you might call it. There’s a possibility for example he might like it and not want to leave. Or take on a job or a role that would limit his time and concentration and make it difficult for him to communicate. As i’ve found out it seems more difficult for him to communicate with me from there.

There is also the factor our higher selves have some kind of pact. He looks after her human incarnations but each incarnation has the choice of what kind of relationship they develop with him. This incarnation was unusual because I saught him out. So if in this life I “divorced” him and was reincarnated I would meet him again and have another chance.


@succupedia@Aluriel@arianna@Lady_Eva: I found this rather clinical description of succubi/incubi and their ‘behaviour’ elsewhere on the net. It’s written by Robert Bruce, of PPSD fame. If you don’t mind, I would like to know what you think about his observations:

Incubus and Sucubus are technically the same entity, although some may develop sexual preferences in their feeding habits. An incubus entity is technically demonic, but at the lowest end of the scale. In my experience they have more animalistic intelligence, but they are of course quite powerful in their way.

Some confusing is obvious regarding Negs and sexuality, because of the gross lack of accurate information regarding these matters. All Negs will at times use sex and/or fear to crack open and control victims. So, telling an incubus from any other type of Neg is very difficult. Some Negs can also be called sexual predators and deviants that delight in sexually tormenting people for its own sake.

I have seen a couple of Incubus entities firsthand, and had my description independently confirmed by others. Incubus are actually quite beautiful and not scary in the slightest. They look like a cellular organism, a bit like an ameoba. If seen with astral sight, or clairvoyantly, while manifesting close to the physical dimension in real time, their true form looks to be about 18 inches to 3 feet long, oval, and they seem to be made of clear jelly. Inside they sparkle with hundreds of tiny multicoloured motes of light. At one end is an internal structure that looks a bit like a red daisy. This seems to be the rear end. It pulses with a thick red glow when it moves. Its movements are fast and jerky, much like other astral wildlife when observed with astral sight.

Incubus type entities usually attack quickly and strongly, and their victims are usually but not always asleep. Their method of attack seems to depend on the experience of the incubus, and on the weaknesses of the victim. Sometimes they will attack while a person is asleep, sometimes when they are awake but relaxed. With the first type of attack, incubus latch onto the genital energy centre directly and cause a powerful forced type of orgasm very quickly. The second type of attack involves telepathically, hypnotically broadcast sexual dreams and illusions, plus genital centre stimulation. If a person is awake, or wakes up during the attack, the incubus will often create the illusion of a beautiful human body on top of the victim, carrying out various sexual acts. The end result is always the same, a far more intense orgasm than the victim would normally have. This is due to the direct genital chakra stimulation.

It seems to me that the more powerful and experienced an incubus is, the less stealty and illusion they depend upon. A powerful incubus will just fly into a person’s room, latch onto his/her genital centre and force them to have an intense orgasm, often in seconds. It will then fly away and will often not return.

Some incubus, the more powerful versions, are like free roaming opportunistic sexual predators, taking what they need when they feel like it. But some will form attachments and even ‘relationships’ with humans. I have experienced a number of incubus attacks myself over the years, and consulted with many people who have experienced the same. I also once had the opportunity to observe an incubus attack on a woman.

Most incubus attacks involve some degree of physical paralysis, even full waking paralysis, being caused, especially if the victim awakes during the attack.

The basic symptoms of an incubus attack vary a bit, and are different for male and female victims, but are much like astral sex. For females, they generally involve an intense, sudden and deep penetration of the whole genital area, up into the stomach. For males especially, an intense, deep sucking sensation is often felt. But the above types of attack can be experienced by either sex. Either type results in sudden, urgent need for sexual release. This usually happens quicker with female victims. Efforts to fight this will usually result in various levels of paralysis. This type of paralysis feels like all the energy has been sucked from your body and you don’t have the energy to move, and your body feels very heavy and weak. During most incubus attacks, male and female victims will also feel a heavy weight on their chests, as if a heavy person were sitting on them, and they will have difficulty breathing.

It takes a great deal of strength to break such an attack. But the same basic technique of concentrating on moving a single big toe, as with breaking normal waking paralysis, is the best way to break it.

Some people will form relationships with incubus and become addicted to them. When this happens, they actually call the incubus to them whenever they want sex. Incubus caused orgasm is more powerful than the normal human version, so its understandable how addiction occurs.
With a relationship, the incubus will usually create a very solid form indeed, often with a beautiful face that can be seen. In this case, the willing victim will often be fully awake during encounters.

The above is quite common and has been known about for many hundreds of years. Such incubus are often called ‘Demon Lovers’. I have known a number of people to have such relationships.

Although I have never seen this result in death, it is said that incubus addiction can cause illness and eventually death. Most people I have known with this kind of ‘relationship’ problem have had severe health problems that seem to come with it, and these get progressively worse if the relationship continues.

Source: Masturbation/Incubi and Sucubi


Actually I have never really had sex (at least in the normal definition involving orgasm) but I am closer to him than anyone else in my life. So what I have found ( and been sweetly told :blush:) is that they want you and sex is an activity they do with you rather than the focus.


I don’t think that guy knows what he is talking about honestly


That’s an interesting analyse of the incubus by Robert Bruce, but I really can’t agree with him of it being an amoeba-like parasite. Maybe he just saw parasites claiming an incubus-like character to feed off from sex and orgasm, rather than an actual incubus?

What’s with the victimization? It feels too much RHP and dogmatic, reading that and there’s commonly used words such as: “Negs”, “victims”, “attacks” and “demons of the lowest end of the scale”.

I wouldn’t say that a “parasite” is capable of opening up our chakras with surgeon-like precision, throwing salt around it’s supposed “victim” to protect him from other spirits, and being capable of expressing emotions at the deepest level possible. “Demons of the lowest end of scale.”? That’s just a self predicted limitation thrown at the spirit, instead of having an actual experience of it’s capabilities and potentials.

A parasite could possibly be the lowest form of a demon, but not an actual succubus and incubus. I would rather put them at the highest end of the scale, in contrast to Robert Bruce’s description of a simple parasite impersonating something it’s NOT. It’s just doesn’t fit my own experience.


Agreed. They are more like lillith than a parasite


@succupedia: thank you for your perspective. Since I have started to actively research succubi and started to phantasize about encounters I have been feeling and seeing (lights and swirling energy) a presence around me which has been getting stronger every day. I think it’s not interacting with me yet though, perhaps because I did not actively invite it into my life yet. On the other hand, last night I had a sexual dream (which I normally never have, or at least don’t remember). Interesting fact was that it was a homosexual encounter, while I’m straight.


[quote=“Max, post:72, topic:5334”]
Since I have started to actively research succubi and started to phantasize about encounters I a have been feeling and seeing (like energy moving) a presence around me which has been getting stronger every day.[/quote]

That’s their “original” form and manifestation: Energy of different colors that usually blocks our vision. Sometimes to a degree of havng a horse blinkers in front of our eyes.

If you look closely and try to scry on the movements of the energy from the spirit, flashes of light can occur, looking similar to this:

The flashes of light, is often visible in our peripheral angle, which is at the sides of our visible sight.

Robert Bruce’s interpretation of an incubus is similar to this:

…an amoeba with the simple functionality to latch and feed from a host until it dies. It’s easier to explain something we clearly don’t yet understand as something “parasitical”, something that lives with no actual purpose other than feeding, reproduce and die endlessly. There is parasites in the astral plane, Bruce, but it’s not an incubus.

[quote=“Max, post:72, topic:5334”]
Interesting fact was that it was a homosexual encounter, while I’m straight.[/quote]

Putting the gender appearance aside, and it was just…sexual exploration. At some point, they can challenge our sexuality, kinks and norms.


@succupedia: thank you. Do you think that the fact that it’s already present means that it already knows that we will eventually engage with each other? I’m still intimidated and still not sure that I want to. Will it try to influence me toward wanting to invite it?


[quote=“Max, post:74, topic:5334”]
Do you think that the fact that it’s already present means that it already knows that we will eventually engage with each other?[/quote]

It doesn’t have to mean anything at all at this point, other than it revealed it’s existence for you.

[quote=“Max, post:74, topic:5334”]
Will it try to influence me toward wanting to invite it?[/quote]

I just think it revealed it’s existence, without trying to influence you. The choice is in your hands, and some of them doesn’t break their own codes of ethics and morals to interact with us without our consent and permission. Once you made up your choice by giving it your consent, anything could happen after that.


I feel the same way, I don’t agree to his parasite description
what I experience is more like a gentle loving entity, that you feel touching you, I have never seen a physical manifestation in the paralysis stage, like he describes, that could because of my lack of skil though.
It is the same sensation as when I’m awake, though slightly stronger, but still feels like invisible hands caressing you for a long period of time, and not just a quick “just here for the essence!” experience.

Also the part about you getting diseases and getting weaker is not something I agree with
I’ve been having my experience with what I believe is a succubus, since 2011/2012 and I haven’t felt weaker in any way


If you do have a succubus. Is it neccesary to evoke them or just focus on them intensely, and ask for them to come?. 2nd question is if you had a succubus before and forgot about them is it held against you, because i still remember my first succubus was of african ethnicity and she was very loving and protective. I miss her. Can i ask lilith to reunite me with her? I guess thats 3 questions


My take on it is that he may be only dealing with a very small category of parasitic entities, people have been having relationships with spirits for as long as there’s been magick, even religion - there’s some evidence that early priestesses were “wives” of the gods, and it’s not unlikely that male priests of a goddess would offer her libations of semen.

Eliade discusses the custom of shamans having spirit spouses - these are people with enough power and freedom to subdue spirits and act as healers and spiritual intermediaries, not as “hag-ridden” sources of chow for some cheeky parasite.

BUT, as given the areas of healing and protection he works in, he probably hears less from people who have happy, stable, functional relationships with non-physical entities.

Some parasites will take forms that create desire and sexual attraction, for sure.


I just did my routine offering to all spirits and a succubus came into my temple… very seductive and came as a bird, then formed into a beautiful woman… her voice was so clear and I invited her to have sex with me in my sleep. Lets see how this one goes


Or in Cybele’s case their whole Penis :wink: gotta love ancient goddesses