Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

hello, my name is jeff, I started following eastern tradition few years ago and that’s where it all begun, I’ve always wanted to explore more since this is one of the only thing I find interesting and that is understanding mysteries and be a part of the dark and occult world, recently I developed interest in the western occult and a great way to learn and discuss occult was to join this place.


Hello everyone,

Im SecVers, you can call me also Karly, Im a newbie highly interested in chaos magic, LHP, ancient pantheons and cosmogonies, by now, actually all kind of magic, meditation and rituals. Im here to look for recommendations, feedback from your personal experiences or knowledge, and to find mentor or something like that… My current goals: learn, read, take advantage of others suggestions and practice a lot, learn and learn…wisdom is everything :slight_smile:


Double take. Thought you had an elf ear. Lol. Welcome.


It’s just the combination of messy hair, wind and Instagram filters I think haha… Nice to meet you!


Hi everyone. Had hard time trying to find where I can introduce myself. So my name is Lina. Practicing magic I ve started like 2 years ago, even I knew about and believed since I was kid. Believing in spirits I started after reading a book after which I find explanation of things Ive seen when I was kid. I believe in all magic . Interested in magic that include entities , spirits, Gods, love spells, money spells. the goal is to learn as much as my brain can take it. Ive tried many things, didnt work. Main reason is to bring my ex back.


Greetings brothers and sisters)

My name is Jake and im from Slovenia. I am going to be 25 in less than 2 weeks. I have discovered magick through pure chance and have started practicing out of desperation and out of pure, burning desire for freedom to live my life as i please. My story is an interesting and extreme one. My childhood was happy although very chaotic. I was raised as an atheist but my mom was catholic and i have heard rumors that her family had me baptised in secret dont know dont care :slight_smile:
When i was 7 years old and started to attend school we moved to a catholic enviroment where i was bullied severely for not knowing what is God and not going to church. I have however soon established my small circle of friends and moved on. As soon as i learned to read i became interested in Greek gods. I soon moved to read my first enciclopedia of world mithology and worshipped many pagan gods in secret. I even performed “sacrifices” to them. Dont be scared nothing sinnister :slight_smile: i was walking through fields and when i caught a grasshopper i sacrificed it to this or that god in exchange for its blessings. Sometimes it worked. When i was 12 I have found a stone on the road. I picked it up and decided that it is my wishing stone. Eventually my wishes stared to come true while using it. But the power was limited as i couldnt use it to get a blowjob from hot school councelor or sex from a hot history teacher, at that time i was 14. In secondary school my parents got divorced and shit just started to pile up and the next 10 years of my life were extremely painfull. At the beggining parents splitting up was a blessing in disguisse. No more shit from anyone and for the first time ever they were interested in me as a person and not just in my academic achievements. But i had this bully. He was calling me a faggot for no reason and he didnt stop. After 3 months i kicked his ass in front of the whole class and started to hang out with migrant kids so no one would ever mess with me again. He started up again in a year and I cursed him in my own way. I took the class photo and told him his offences it spited on his photo and told him that he will suffer. He started to be an even bigger asshole but one thing lead to another and eventually he left school and trasferred to another in which he suffered immensely-i have heard rumors that he was forced to eat dog shit which i find fitting. At that time i didnt even know about magick or the occult. I eventually became interested in islam but moved on pretty soon. At that time my father has meet a woman which i welcomed with open arms. She has however soon managed to convince my father to kick me and my brother out of the house and we were left to fend for ourselves. I was 17. I soon started selling contraband like tobacco or cheap trincklets to make a decent living. When i was 18 i was known as the guy that can provide you with whatever you wish-as long as its legal. When i was 19 I graduated with honors. I went to university which was ok at the beggining. I soon reallised that i became deppressed and unpleasant for no reason and that people dont like me anymore. All of the sudden i couldnt attract women anymore. The next year I failed school so i had to return home and started to work shitty jobs. I wowed to return to school and to finish it. I soon attracted new people and became “friends” with professors. One even asked me to give a lecture. These 3 months were paradise. I was popular, well liked, and free. Unfortunately shitstorm returned. All of a sudden i have lost my mind and was hospitalised in the insane asylum. My friends this is worse than death. Before my insanity i have discovered christianity and was reading the bible to find spiritual strenght in Christ. It obviously didnt work. I was 22. When I was released from the insane asylum i was like cockless Theon Greyjoy. I was destroyed. I prayed to God every night begging for death. But it didnt happen. I was listening to christian podcast and learned about 72 demons of Goetia and started with my research. I soon got Goetia and some other books on evocation and so my journey began and i never looked back. My research took me a year. Im practicing for 6 months. In six months. I have earned more money than ever before. Spirits cured my mental issues and i have a large social circle. Girls aproach me when i go out. Magick has saved my life and i love every second of it. I dont follow any paradigm i consider myself a spiritual anarchist. Im interested in three things: Knowledge, freedom and power. I also bellieve in a “holy trinity”: Jake, money, pussy. Im going my own way and those that want to come along are welcome to join me. The reason i have joined the become a living god movement is because it speaks the truth. I have researched EA a lot. I watched all of his videos i looked him up on forums and i have seen what people say about him. They mostly say shit. But i never bellieved them bacause while talking to them i have realised that they are usually armchair occultists who never tried to create change. I was doing that all my life I just never reallised it until now. Well doesnt matter. This movement is something i want to be a part of because just working with Become a living God ebook you can basicly get whatever you want. Its great. Im interested in divination, evocation and soul travel and complete mastery of this powers. I am also interested candle magick and spellcasting, meditation, i want to pathwork the runes, im looking forward to viking magick course and a lot of other things. My goals right now are to earn more money, finish school get a girlfriend and to finaly move out forever. I also have other goals and passions but i would preffer to keep them to myself…for now.
Sorry for grammatical mistakes and bad spelling english is my second language. Oh and im sorry if i used a curse word here and there its not meant to offend anyone.
Have an amazing day and love yourself.


are you from former Yugoslavia by any chance? im from Slovenia :slight_smile:


Not far, but I am from Romania.


cool. wanna hear a funny story? when i was 19 i had a car and had an accident on a freeway the guy that i had the crash with was the romanian ambassador to croatia :slight_smile: it was an uncomfortable experience but he turned out to be a cool guy and everything turned out ok :slight_smile:


Im Reaver, been practising for a good few years now but have only now decided to join an online forum.
I’ve detailed more about myself in my bio.
Look forward to seeing all of you on the forum


Boa noite. É uma honra fazer parte dá comunidade, meu nome é Kleiton, mais uso meu nome mágico Laurentios. Moro no Brasil no estado de Goiás, pratico evocação, e estou todos os dias lutando para cada dia mais conseguir dominar está arte maravilhosa


Hello everyone…photo to follow :slight_smile:

I am a co-creator of Fire of the Mother, my name is Oonagh

I have devoted my life to High magick, and my passion is to perfect the arts and space for others to come and experience the same. I am currently writing ‘The first circle’ which explains the five basic levers inherently present in the body. My knowledge is drawn from a tradition called the Amber line (an ancient trade route by which a nomadic magical heritage thrived and continued in the undercurrents of the world). I am presently struggling with the transition from ‘secret magician’ to ‘public purveyor’, although given the amount of guidance, I guess it’s just a matter of stepping ahead. I definitely remain patient and yeah persistence is the key.

Eyes & ears


Hey guys so I’m Austin I’m new to the LHP what I’m trying to do right now is speak to King Paimon (invoking is what I was taught to call it) but I’m struggling to hear him any help would be appreciated


Well you are at the right place. King Paimon is rather busy these days it seems. His name is popping up on the forum a lot. I think of his name several times a day it seems as well. Betcha there are many more experiencing the same thing.

Have a look around, your answer is in the forum. Evocation is a hot category.

Welcome home RiseorDie.


Hello my name is Steven. I like to practice psionic magick. My current goals are to master telepathy. I’m doing pretty well with that and I don’t feel like I’m currently struggling at this point in time.


I’m LaLa and I actually stumbled on this site by accident (if there’s such a thing). I was looking for reviews on a well known voodoo practitioner and well, here I am. (Thanks Google)!

I was raised Christian and realized pretty early in my teens that the whole church scene wasn’t for me… although I was raised by Jamaican parents, Obeah was frowned upon (always had an interest in it) and I was always blackmailed with threats of burning in eternal fire if I ever went near it. Fast forward to my twenties, married a Haitian and did dabble in Voodoo although not initiated, but still don’t really feel like it’s where I belong. I guess I’m still searching for my path and I think I’ll learn a lot here.

My goal is to find my path and become a practitioner when I find it.

I hope questions are encouraged because I’m always seeking knowledge.


Welcome to the forums, LaLa. Questions are certainly encouraged here. Jump in and start swimming. :smiley:



Welcome to the forums. There were a couple of things in your post that jumped out at me …

This attitude is something you’ll want to work your through and release. It’s essentially an energy pattern that will block you.

The Left Hand Path is the Path of Personal Responsibility. There is no one to judge your worth. If you do the work to connect with the spiritual realms, you will learn and evolve. And if you don’t do the work, you won’t.

It’s not an easy to path to walk. Sometimes it’s downright hard. But it is effective.

Let go of your need to prove yourself to anyone. You are “The Eternal Made Flesh”. Your worth is not an issue.


I am Luke,I am Chinese so my English suck. Lol
Studying magic around one year,interested in hoodoo and witchcraft,currently I am doing research on evocation, and I am trying to do it too. Hope someone can guide me too.


Welcome Luke. You are in the right place.