I need help

call king Paimon to influence you dad to be compassionate about your situation. Also request him to influence people to higher you.

I don’t know why but I get a feeling of spells being cast against you and or your family.

It is funny you should say that any clue who might be behind the spells? I have been thinking that for a few weeks. How would I go about contacting king paimon I have been working with sigil Magic would Archangel Michael be of any help for the spell casters?

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That doesn’t matter at this time. The focus should be on fixing your problem then you could take care of the rest.

Are you close to any spirit? Angel or Demon?

I would also suggest that in your specific situation that you move in silence!!!

I usually don’t recommend that, but I get the feeling someone is watching you. Someone close to you. Like a neighbor or something. Possibly a distant relative. I could be totally wrong.

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Yes Michael. Do a revocation spell.

With the King also use a sigil. YouTube is your friend here. You will learn all the basics.

Make sure to revoke what ever might been sent to you and your dad.

No because I am very new to this type of magic however I have contacted a few entities to try and fix my problem with no results and if I do decide to take action against someone noone will know but me and what ever gets sent at them I like to move silently however I have asked for help here because I have long ago exhausted my resources trying to fix it I do however think you may be on to something about someone watching me however I don’t think it is a relative of mine maybe a ex?

Well I suggest you do spiritual bath cleansing and a revocation spell. If you wish to go further I won’t judge.

Kinda need to figure out who the peeping Tom is that worries me

Work on that, do a FREEZE SPELL on him maybe.

You could do with staying with your dad and just take any job Imo.

I would take any job if I could even get that far but as I have already said they will not even speak to me

Anyone can get a job its all about your attitude. I was unemployed for a long time once and coincidentally I only got a job when I started a college course and regular voluntary work for a charity.

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I have been trying since I got out of damn high school all with the same exact response

What’s your appearance like? What’s going on in the interviews? What jobs are you looking for? What’s your school report like? Do you have any friends and how old are you?

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Also what’s the unemployment rate like in your area? Name your state if you feel comfortable.

I am 25 I’d probably jump up and down if I even got a interview like I said they have been avoiding me like the fucking plague as for jobs that I have been trying to get anything that pays minimum wage and that is good work experience including but not limited to washing dishes stocking shelves as I have said I could put in a thousand applications and I probably have and call each Place back multiple times and still not get anywhere

Broke ass Illinois

You can always join the army :smiley:

I had similar issue when I was out of decent jobs, tried to get some unskilled job to make at least some money and even goddamn mcdonalds wouldn’t hire me because my education level is too high.

You sound like you’ve already given up, have this “why bother attitude” and just pointlessly going through motions at this point. If this is the case, then it will be easy for anyone (including employers) to read this shit.

To all the advice given here I can add that since working with entitites directly failed for you, maybe you should try something different like planetary or elemental magic. And most importantly do away with the “poor me/nothing never works for me” kind of attitude, this shit will always keep you from getting jobs.

Just keep pushing, you’ll get where you want to be.


Let’s see you try for 8 years just to get a job any job that pays minimum wage yet despite how hard you try you cannot even get them to even take your call besides if I’d given up why would I even bother posting here asking for help? Besides I know for a fact that my magic works but when it comes to money it’s like hitting a brick wall

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I did struggle quite a bit making my ends meet, there were times where I was so broke I had to eat ramen every single day and when I wanted dessert I would have to eat some white bread soaked in water with sugar sprinkled over it. Besides, I always lived in a place where even broke americans would be considered rich lol. I could tell you a million of stories which would make you feel extremely privileged but I won’t, since it won’t do jack shit to solve your current situation.

Obviously I don’t know you, I just call it as I see and and the vibe you give off on here. I’m not convinced that even if someone will fix this issue for you, it will ultimately serve you good. You’d be more likely to end up in the same situation you are in now or worse.
I’m not criticizing you or anything and I understand why would u have negative attitude but I beleive that this will definitely be a major road block for you.

Will be you mean has been I have been trying to get any job since I got out of high school with no luck something always gets in the way it is the only thing I have failed at doing and it pisses me off if I want someone or something to bow in front of me it happens if I want it to storm like the Heavens are coming down it does my point is not to brag but that I have hit a roadblock that I have beat my head against for 8 long years and I have exhausted every possible resource of my own and others yet nothing has come of it i refuse to be in the same damn place I am in this time next year!

Just pacify your dad and develop divination, meditation, evocation and soul travel at your own pace.