Chat Thread

I would like to here more about it :hushed:

~Is it about to:

<?> make one person immortal? <?>make ALL people immortal? <??> bring back the dead witches others -who have been killed due the hands of "right han

d path" apes?
or <?> to channel the killed witches and other victims?

*seriously, that sounds EPIC as fuck!

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Agreed strongly, I was not asking for “in process workings” as those are sensitive- sorry I should have clarified on that.
On the topic at hand, I’m interested in sharing past magickal accomplishments, and also -if willing- some backstory on how you came to work so hard to pursue those goals. Kinda the driving reasons behind very potent past magickal successes.

I’m not sure yet - the way I acquired that knowledge and person-hood from a former life seems to indicate that the targeted killing of our forbears (genetic, former life, and so on) acted as a sacrifical act locking them away form manifestation, and the mass baneful work I did - again, with many on here - on March 1st seems to have started to jim,my the lock, so to speak, because my past-life was reaquired, unexpectedly, shortly afterwards.

It may be that people will have powers unlocked, it may be that these souls will reincarnate (I’m definitely hoping for a lot of that) meaning a generation of people with old-school hardcore power (remember, all the legends around the world talk of ancient mages and shamans, who could levitate, and fly, and were more powerful) combined with 21st century freedoms and ability to communicate their skill.

Some of them may walk the earth again as spirits, or reacquire the ability to guide magicians as spirit mentors, I;m not sure - things rarely turn out as expected in form, but the work has been begun, and the funny thing is, when I proposed last year’s March 1st as a ritual for our murdered forbears, I had no idea it would escalate into this! lol!!

And I don’t think of these things by myself, I get pushed, steered, or guided to them by the spirits I’m in alliance with, an arrangement that suits me and I hope, suits them, sinc eour core agenda is the same - global theogenesis and freedom forever from the shackles of the montheistic desert faiths and all the bullshit they’ve spawned since then.

(Actually, my weird UPG goes back further, to some Atlantean or other land, but that boggles my mind so I tend to not dig into it unless the knowledge becomes necessary.)


For me, it just comes down to need. I can perform meditation exercises and energy work exercises, but I don’t “practice” magick … I have a need and I use magick to do it.

It’s a mindset my spiritual companions taught me to adopt and it was the key to making my magick work.

The act of ritual for me is essentially declaring myself as the center of Creation and claiming my role (for a time) as The Creator and The Destroyer. There’s a certainty to it that I can’t practice. I can only use it when I need to change something for real.

And when I state “My Will Be Done” and push it out through all of Creation … I can feel the Heavens and Earth move. It’s like an energetic feeling of tumblers clicking into place on a lock.


Preach it, Sister Trollslayer. :smiling_imp:

You’re absolutely on point. Everything I’ve received from my own UPG is going in the same direction. The more I work toward the evolution of us all, the more doors unlock for me.


That makes sense.

One question off of that however (and I should say-- thank you for answering these questions of mine!) People seem to have different needs, at some level a want becomes a need- you can go with less money, less love and relationships. Heck you can starve and die. Yet I come on this forum and observe so many magicians working to various ends-

What Eva described above with sorcerers being able to fly and perform other works sounds great, but it doesn’t seem to really be needed (even so I would love to have that). Even youre ex-wife could have kept living with that disease. Yet you reached forth with the hand of youre godhood and changed the world.

When does a thought become a want, how does that want become a need, and what is required to take that need and become unstoppable in fulfilling it?

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Ok, I guess I wasn’t telling the complete truth, but I didn’t realize it until your follow-up question.

I’m not really differentiating between a want and a need. You’re right … I could of continued to let my ex-wife suffer.

I guess it’s not so much a need as a firm decision. Once I’ve set out to do something, IT IS DONE. No doubt. No arguing.

It’s the mindset of a King. And that’s the symbol they’ve used with me over and over again.

When a King says to do something, he considers it done. It’s finished.

He doesn’t sit there and think “Oh well … gee … I hope that vassal does what I wanted him to do …” No, it is done because He Is The King and His Will Be Done.

That’s the certainty I’m talking about.

The hardest part is KNOWING that it’s done and just letting it go completely, not even thinking about it again. That’s tough and I still struggle with it from to time.


That feels very possible to me, Eva. And what a gamechanger. I like your style, Eva.


Ill have to ponder that.

If you ever want to talk about it, drop me a PM.

Sorry for hogging chat, guys. Discourse told me I’m being a bad boy. shutting up now lol


It’s damned bossy, isn’t it?! lol

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yeah, and here I thought we were using the thread properly XD

I just hope it doesn’t turn into a nasty egregore one day that actually “enforces” it’s rules. lol

I admit, I get excited talking about this stuff and reply too often. lol


No such thing as too much! :slight_smile:

Seriously, ignore it if it does that, I just started a new thread I’m working on and it was asking me if I’d seen threads like it (that, in fact, were NOT like it al all!), that stuff has SOME value but I urge people to ignore if it your have something to say, especially in this thread which is FOR the kind of chat that’s not going to need its own entire new thread! :wink:


In other breaking news, i lit a yellow candle a few hours ago and said, “I call upon Dynamis to accelerate my progress and overlook my lapse”. Let it burn all the way down while I did some magick related reading and writing. Took a little nap, too, lol. I must say, the spell candles I buy are awesome. They burn the wax completely. No drips and nothing left in the holder but a little bit of wick shaped ash.


I once had some candles that would spark and fizz and spray hot wax around, guess that’s what I get for buying the cheapest dollar store ones I could find :confused:

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Cool, Chef. I don’t do a ton of candle magick, but I like to use them at least as part of a ritual.

Oh, I don’t know … my first ritual “dagger” was a butcher knife from the Dollar Tree. My spiritual companion at the time was teaching me a lesson about the tools and needing things to be perfect. Hi, I’m Valkarath … and I’m a recovering control freak. lol


These are three for a dollar at a “metaphysical” book store. Worth going there for the candles if nothing else. One of the employees once asked me how i used them. I said “I light em and do stuff”. She asked what kind of stuff and I told her “stuff you probably wouldn’t agree with”. She got kinda cold after that, lol. I still remembered to say “namaste” as I walked out the door.


lmao Awesome.

I still remember a “metaphysical” book store owner telling me to leave her shop when I asked if they had anything about Crowley and ritual magick. Of course, this was probably 25 to 30 years ago.

You know, I’m tempted to join a “fluffy bunny” Wiccan coven and really evoke their Goddess. I wonder how many of them would lose their shit. lol

Gotta make sure that mask is on tight. :slight_smile:

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Damn, do we all have this kind of problem when we talk about our magick? I honestly don’t even discuss it with people anymore. Its like you can see their worldview getting torn apart as you look into their eyes and expression.