Angelic Sex?

If you are to practice the LHP or RHP it would matter whether you deal with an Angel or Fallen Angel as both these have their own ideals and moralities (morality don’t apply to the left hand). Because you would obviously choose a side that mostly resonate with you. And both would require a different approach and will deliver completely different results. It is also not in the nature of an Angel to deceive. Angels also don’t shapeshift, why would they? Angels represent purity, grace, pure divine light, humility and love.

you can be left hand and be neither side.

Nagathex is lovecraftian.
some are egyptian pantheon
some are voudon.

some are greek or roman pantheon.


Depending on how you define sex then the answer can be yes and no. Obviously, you would know (I hope) that its not like regular human intercourse, but astral sex has diffefent purposes anyway.
If you were to have sex with an entity its generally for different reasons (your own and theirs), whether to procreate a new entity or to have an exchange of sexual energy.

  1. Angels actively avoid procreation since the whole Nephillim issue with David, and no more are being activley “made”.
  2. Angels rarley need to rely on vamparism of energy and therefore largley don’t siphon energy from people, unless explicitly asked to do so or in other scenarios.
    So that largley eliminates the need/want for sex in regard to angels

Not saying you can’t do it, but I’d be hard pressed to say you’d find any willing to give it a go in our current time period. Alternatively, remember Lilith and Namaah are refered to as angels of prostitution in apocryphal literatures.
And I think I speak for a lot of people here when I say both entites can be quite “active” lol

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It’s also a method of transference for example if the angel wanted to grant the practitioner with one of their gifts this could be done “sexually” or a romantic embrace if you wanna clean it up lol.

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Actually I would have to disagree with you on that one. Many of the Angels that are said to sit by the throne of “God” are depicted as verey horrifying and bizarre creachers beyond human comprehension. You could also take the biblical, past and present depiction of your more common Angles. Biblical and the past depict them as wingless. Where as today the are more often then not depicted as winged. This could entirely be cultural but it could also be see as them choosing a form to present themselves in. Hens shapeshifting.

I hope you found this bit of information enlightening.


I am aware of their true shapes as I know the angelic hierarchy in deph. And can describe each one to you in detail. The ones you are referring to (beyond human comprehension). Are of higher orders that dont show themselves to man and they dont come down to earth because its not their duty to come down to earth. We interact with archangels (winged ones) and messagers only (non winged). They all STILL only remain in one SINGULAR form and dont shapeshift to various forms like demons and FALLEN Angels. Big difference. an Angel and Fallen angel is not the same thing. A Fallen angel and Demon is ALSO not the same thing. Was this enlightening for you? I am also not prepared to discuss or debate on the RHP futher on the open forum. But ask yourself this if I work with 99% Angelic forms (not fallen angels) and the other 1% Azazel (Not a demon btw a fallen angel, I once again stress there is a difference) because I have a pact with him. So I would therefore KNOW the Angelic forms in deph.

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Morality applies when and where it’s needed. It doesn’t sit on a high horse of one path and exclude the other.

[quote=“blaze, post:21, topic:5442”]
Angels also don’t shapeshift, why would they?[/quote]

If they don’t then why are they described differently from one magician to another?

That’s not an exclusive treat for angels. Some “demons” have the capability to tap into the divine light and darkness with the flick of their fingers, and as an energy current, it can’t be maintained for too long.

If you touch the divine current for too long, it will give you blisters on your skin because the energy is radiating outwards. It’s very similar to getting a sunburn. The dark current is the total opposite, and it resemblance a black hole because the energy is going inwards. That’s why the dark current is very cold and solid to the touch.

Since these energies are on the extremes of each opposing current, staying too long with it will make them burn out. That’s why it needs balance to maintain consistency. That applies to both angels and demons.

The dark current

The divine current

The ability to use these forces of energies is not exclusive to either angels or demons. That’s how I see it.


Actually he’s a djinn

A Djin? And why would you say that?

Angels do shape shift they appeared to Abraham as men.

“you might be entertaining angels unaware”

also I was Azazels submissive for a very long time and still am very close with him.

I would say he lies somewhere between all three…fallen angel, djinn, demon
Years and years can mold you and form you.

Azazel, was also put in a god category. One goat was sacrificed and the other was sent to Azazel. Its in the old testament.

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most Muslim beliefs believe Azazel was a djinn. he is a part of their religion as well.

The qualities you are describing with angels that take different forms from one magician to another, and tap into devine light at their fingertips are Fallen Angels. Who were once angels but chose the darker path. They still have angelic attributes and abilities, but they are not the Angels from Yaweh - my descussions so far was referring to Yaweh’s Angel who remained in the Light.

I can understand why theyvwould refer to him and other fallen angels as a djin (a evil spiritual entity that can take form from human-animal). Most religions only refer to evil spirits as demons. So you can almost say to most other religions “djin and demon” is seen as the same thing as they share a common attribute. “Evil”. But this does not mean calling Azazel a “djin” is correct as he predominantly remains a Fallen Angel.

only in the Christian aspect.

and alot of Djinn are formed of smoke.
I have seen that several times with Azazel.
Azazel, isnt evil. He maybe dark and Saturnius but Ive never seen him as evil.


And I work 100% with Dragon. I know, I know a lot, but I am also humble enuf to understand I still have a lot to learn. So your point is?


@Eye_of_Ra, actually, that is not true at all. Azazel was never mentioned in Qur’an in that way. There are some gods with similar names such as Azrael, but not Azazel at all. There could be some masks from their religion that could be connected to Azazel… maybe Iblis would be one of them in some way (if you referred to that, then yes, I guess). But from my personal experience and research I found out that he is a djinn as well. Another djinn entity that I found is King Paimon.

@Blaze, I think that you have no clue what you are talking about. Djinn and demon aren’t the same at all, but they have some features (energetic polarities) that are similar. Djinn would be like some sort of a “darker aspect” of demonic entity.
It is like comparing angel and melek and saying that it is the same thing.

Regard angels and their appearance. It surprises me that you think how angels that are “pure” won’t change their appearance.

Then you have to understand that all these beings (including us) do not have “appearance at all” as we see them but instead it is in a form of energy that takes a shape depending on one’s beliefs.

If you are really close to at least 1 angel you would know that they are one of these beings who hate when someone (usually humans) judge someone by appearance and they can actually appear (not always… still depending on a person) in very scary or weird shape(s) where you start questioning what is angelic being at all. So, judging it from some so called “holy-book” is not smart idea at all. From another side, demonic entities are more about progressing (revolution/evolution … whatever you call it on english) and they just do not care how they will appear to you. (That is why they appear in different shapes as well).

Regard that bitchy Yahweh… hmm… I can assume that you think how Michael, Raphael (and other archangels) are really his servants which is so funny for them when someone mentions that… or they become “bad” to you as well lol ?

Anyway, regard Azazel or any high ranked god like that ONE. I am personally not close to him but I still didn’t found any entity in my experience that would be referred as evil. I think that you just have no idea what it means in general. They can be “evil” (depending on your morality) if you are their enemy, for sure. But I have never seen some demon nor djinn nor an angel … to be evil to someone they respect.

Ohh and also, I think that @succupedia gave some really nice answers regard energy.

  • Flame

I see what you are saying. and it may not be written in the Qu’ran but from personal research they do associate him as Iblis. and see him as a Djinn.

my point being different religions see him differently, djinn, fallen angel, demon or god.


@Eye_of_Ra . Yeah, that is why I said it may be possible for him to have a mask of Iblis or even Shayṭān at some point. Also, some of his (high ranked) servants could be referred as Ifrit(s).

But even if it is not true, I still know that he is a djinn.


Flame yes Succupedia gave good answers I only said that the angelic attributes he was describing was more likely that of Fallen Angels. Also stating that I dont know what I am talking about is incorrect. Because if you carefully read my previous thread. I did not say I think/ believe demons and djins are the same. What I said was, I can understand why certain religions would believe Azazel is a djin. Because people who have not studied anything from the occult and only read a “holy book” would not know that a djin and a demon is not the same. Both are considered by them as evil, so they will naturally place them in the same category. I also don’t just quote from a “holy book” as I dont recall the book of Enoch being published with any holy scriptures. Talking about respect - What is probably not a smart idea is calling any Higher Spiritual being bitchy! Whether you are from LHP or RHP. I have never and will never disrespect any being higher than myself whether they are from the light or dark. I still REMEMBER I am afterall only human.

It is okay @blaze. And no, I tend to only respect those that are connected to me in some way but that doesn’t mean that I will go around and disrespect others unless I have pretty good reason and power to match theirs. But that doesn’t mean that I can’t disrespect or simply disagree with beings that I consider on same or lower level as me. I think that your teacher can pretty much agree with me here since he likes to do the same thing (sometimes even mocking those that are higher than him) and I never said that he can’t do something like that.

Those that are doing it, means that they must have some power to do such a thing. Nothing wrong with it.

Light or dark? I actually work with both beings/energies and even those that achieved balance between both perfectly, so I tend to balance both sides as much as it is possible.

Those who already have kingdom (including power) and most powerful allies in the universe can simply say whatever they want, because they are just as one of those beings. I guess you got my point here as well.

  • Flame
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