
Is the site called Angelfire worth going through ? Ive seen it in many posts however im not really sure if it will add on my knowledge.

I can’t find anything but books and websites on how to build your own website when I search angelfire. Will you post a link?

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Ok right of the bat… it’s a Joy of Satan site… after listening to some ministering of their Preistess I don’t take them seriously but there could be some useful stuff there nonetheless. Ultimately if you find something in there that works for you then whatever works…works. I’m going to browse through it just for funzies.

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Hhmmmmmm…their “Dedicate your Soul To Satan” ritual might be a good template for someone who wishes to reverse their Baptism and get rid of lingering baggage from childhood indoctrination. Amended by the individual that could be useful. But I would replace I Dedicate my life and soul to Satan with dedication to ones self. That’s just me. And I didn’t allow myself to be baptized so I’m just throwing stuff around.

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I wouldn’t trust it, at least not entirely


Any historical information they put on there I’m not even going to look at cuz it’s most likely bullshit.

And scrolling through the meditations meant for enhancing abilities and power you will find much better on this forum for every purpose they have meditation for there. I’d say don’t waste your time but that’s just me personally. And definitely don’t give them your money. That would just be silly

