Am I having a sexual relationship with a spirit and/or demon?

My pleasure.

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It could possibly be Belial if you’ve been thinking of him. His energy is very strong and concerning him breaking through Barriers… Belial makes ALOT of people feel very concerned!!! Its due to his power level and his 100% Dominance. Belial is essentially the energy and personality of someone who would be considered a “Dominant” or a “Master” in not just the sexual arena, but in every persuit you would have in life. He is also a high ranking demon. He is one of those demons that doesn’t just come into your life for no reason. If he is in your life you either have something big and important to do concerning him or you were meant to work with him.

I have him around too as he comes to me from time to time to tell me random peices of knowledge or encourage me in certain things. He agreed that your relationship with him is very intimate and meant for only you and him.

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Nothing happens without reason. Every action has a consequence.


I’m no expert on Belial, but I do work with - and have a relationship with - Lilith and succubus entities on a daily basis, so I’m very much familiar with these kind of events.

Have you given consent to these interactions at some point? If yes, that might also explain the repetitive pattern of sexual activity from Belial.

Giving consent to a spirit doesn’t necessarily mean the same as giving consent to a fellow human. We give consent to each other by how we feel in that particular moment.

The consent from a spirit can, sometimes, be more of a “binding contract”, hence the chance of sexual arousal could be a repeating occurrence. That doesn’t mean they don’t listen to a “no” when we’re not “in the mood”. It basically means they make their moves to show what they want.

If you ever experienced humans that are pushy, show Belial that you’re not a pushover anymore. I’m quite sure that’s what he want.


I agree with all that is shared above.

Belial has been in my life for a long time-- before I even knew who he was. After I made a pact with him, he showed me specific times he has partially possessed me in the past. It was before I even knew about this path.

Being a woman, I can say that I was ‘sexually charged’ after making my pact and did endulge in some sessions of self-love. However, I quickly realized these sexual thoughts/ideas would wake me up after 2am. So I basically just said NO. I would do whatever it took to distract myself— listened to music, got up, started reading etc. after a few difficult nights it went away and hasn’t returned since.

Belial likes confidence but hates arrogance and bullies. Now I’m not the most confident person out there but I am feisty. If anyone or anything tries to control me, I won’t go down without a fight. And by that I mean, I put up shields and get ready to face it head on. That has worked for me.

Once you earn his respect, he is very helpful and protective.


Something I posted about him is that he likes to be offered things you wnated for yourself, in this case it seems to be a specific mental image of yourself.

I’ll pop this link here in case it’s any use - you;ve seen an aspect of him that I haven’t, but I have worked in other ways and it might help round that out to read other experiences:

Good luck sorting this out, hopefully in a way that’s agreeable to both of you! :thumbsup:


Ah, so he attacked you too? Interesting. It seems that he approaches people differently, depending on the person or lesson they need to learn, I imagine? Would make sense.

As for everything else, yes, what you wrote there matches a lot my experiences with Belial. I guess some of the few things that don’t match are the attack (he never attacked me, but he did in a way possess me once, making me a lot more aggressive), and the appearance. If you remember in my Belial thread, I mentioned that he showed up as a Hollywood-looking Demon. This picture is the closest thing I’ve seen that matches the form Belial chooses to wear when he appears to me:


Reading about this Belial was the first entity that popped into mind and my intuition strongly points towards him as well.

I’m careful not to express to much of my views here, but look at this on the bright side. Turn it into an opportunity, he can teach you a LOT of things. Sexual and magick wise so don’t let it go to waste.


I think OP should go full bunny-boiler on him, insist he marries her and 24/7 inhabits a range of sex toys or something! :wink:

And yeah, he wanted to see how I’d react against an army of lower entities, basically see if my “wanna be a goddess” was all talk or had any substance, I can understand why he did it. :thumbsup:


You so get my drift! To the OP enjoy it honey as much as you can, have all the kinky rabbit sex you want and all those earth shattering orgasms you heard of in eroticas :wink:


Bro! thats so what I see!!! 150%…minus the sword…damn.

I showed my GF who isnt into this stuff, only through me, the other image on @Lady_Eva, as she dreamed of him 2 nights in a row and woke up feeling like she was not alone, and felt nauseous. She said yes he looks like Krumpis. Things like this are what really makes this forum great. That extra touch knowing you are not making this shit up.


ABSOLUTELY!! :thumbsup:

It’s so cool to read and see these things, the one I liked recently was this:

He sometimes manifests for me covered in blood and holding a severed - something - like it’s a snack. :laughing:

Naughty Belial! :heart:


I actually never noticed the feet. I dont think I’ve observed his feet but my room is small so I always only see shoulders up. that head, the muscular figure, horns…Yea for sure…so sick.



I see him like that minus the sword too as well actually lmao. Forgot to mention that. But holy shit, yea, I love when experiences match like this. Fucking love it!


That moment when… Belial arrives and you feel like laughing out loud like a MAD SORCEROR whom suddenly becomes extremely HYPER AWARE of all the pretty womens Tiny Butts in the room… then Belial gives me and makes me say the words “Naughty Naughty Little Butts…”


he seems to be tall,he manifested one time,different,i was able only to see his waist,knees,legs,feet…

like a black minotaur,showing off his dick
i know,its weird…
i have no idea why he did that lol
someone said that he appeared as a gargoyle,i agree and when he appear like that i can only see his neck/face etc…not all body

and sometimes as a kind of muscular psycho beast/dog? no idea,.scary as fuck


Hmmmmm…it sounds a lot like Belial to me as well. In my experience with him, he will test you and see how far he can go with you and what you allow, whether that is sexually, magickally, financially etc,. The fact that you say you are normally so much about control, might mean that your darkside wants someone else to take the reigns a bit, so that you can rest in a way. Belial is all too happy to oblige in that apparently.

Never forget that your body is your own, and if things are getting too much and you REALLY want to stop it, tell him that and make sure you’re getting something in return for your services to him( as Lady Eva suggested) as he is taking your sexual energy( with your consent) and therefore ask yourself what am I getting besides pleasure from this, and is it enough or an even exchange? Perhaps you can ask in return help with things in your life/personality that you’d like to change?

If this entity, no matter what it is, doesn’t respect your boundaries that you are setting,(though in my experience Belial would) and you truly want to disconnect with it, I’d suggest throwing away your toys( as they are full of it’s essence and help establish that connection to you) and if you can, remember one of the times this being had it’s way with you and then in your mind make a picture of it( like you are watching yourself playing with your toys on a t.v. screen) then shrink the picture smaller and smaller until that memory is a tiny speck in your mind.

Then visualize/imagine there’s a chord attached to it and you, sever the chord with an imaginary knife or sword, and then command that the entity and it’s power over you is gone and banished from you forever as you watch it shrink down to nothing and dissapper . That should help get the entity and it’s power over you, out of your life if you need to do so.

You said that you are strong spiritually, therefore if you have a god or goddess that you pray to, I suggest that you do so and tell them to cleanse and purify your home and body from this being’s energies as well as take a salt bath and burn a cleansing incense like sage in your home (especially in the room/rooms this being has had it’s way with you!)

Good luck, be strong, and have fun \m/


(I’m still learning the way posting and replying works on this site, so I hope this message is seen by everyone who’s commented on my post thus far…)
Thank you all for your valuable and detailed input on my situation! The level of support, openness, and just the general positive ‘community’ feeling I’ve received has been incredible and wonderful. I appreciate all of you taking the time to counsel me. And I’m so happy I stumbled across this site! It feels wonderful to open up about a situation like this and to not be negatively judged or be called crazy. It’s comforting to know there are so many other open-minded and spiritually non-judgemental individuals out there.
I appreciate y’all’s responses very much. Thank you! :black_heart:


The image you posted is almost identical to the physical appearance of the being I’ve been dealing with that I’ve had in my head since the moment these experiences began. That’s crazy! It’s also incredibly similar to the images I find myself instinctually drawn to look at when these situations start happening-I have a few saved on my phone that are strikingly similar in appearance to the one you posted. And when I look at them, the whole experience becomes more intense and I feel the connection more deeply. That specific physical appearance is what resonated with me the most for some reason from day one, but after reading through this thread and reading more about him, it’s starting to make even more sense why I was drawn to those pictures that so closely resemble what you posted.