A person I care about was threatened

How were they threatened, by magick, in the street, by an ex, is this online or offline… I understand this might be sensitive, but you’re not giving folks much to go on here! :slight_smile:


It happened in a bar. First he threatened to put him through a window and then to wait for him outside. All because he said some word.

Well nobody got hurt yet. Would an apology help?

Thats it? Why so worried about some random guy in a bar

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People did apologze, but my friend is still scared. Yeah no one was hurt, but it was very wrong.

Probably best to avoid that bar for a bit, you could try doing this: Vovin’s Freeze Spell.


Cool advice as always

Lady_Eva have u heard of book

'utterly wicked ’ author Dorothy Morrison

helped me lots times very dark magic I’m into using graveyard dirt super super effective

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I love using cemetery dirt.


What did he say to the guy who threatened him beforehand?

Yes I prefer to use cemetery dirt from consecrated ground seems more powerful best to ask permission thank them for the offering and explain intentions of use

I would summon the police with the power of my magick cellphone and let them know my friend was assaulted by a raving lunatic. Making threats to do a person bodily harm is assault and it’s a crime that is taken seriously.


I would summon the police with the power of my magick cellphone and let them know my friend was assaulted by a raving lunatic. Making threats to do a person bodily harm is assault and it’s a crime that is taken seriously.



Belial might be able to help you. He hates bullies.


A little cemetery dirt in the underpants goes a long way.

How do I do that? I’ve summoned many other demons.

So the fight between my friend and this guy is over I think. Now the creepy guy is after my sister. What can I do to get rid of him?

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1: Freezer spell, to begin with, also ask her guardians and your ancestors to protect her from harm.

2: This is meant constructively, you seem to have a pattern of creepery men in your life, try looking for the energy pattern that’s somehow attracting this, I’m NOT being rude or saying you’re deliberately doing it, sometimes we can’t see a pattern in our own lives until an outsider observes it.

This has happened to me and other people I care about, the same types of events repeating over and over, it seems normal when you’re inside the eye of the storm, but to someone else it’s visibly not “just the way things are.”

Maybe working with a female warrior such as Sekhmet will help you repel this kind of attention, and sheild whatever it is that’s attracting them.

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Direct mundane confrontation works. Make it known in no uncertain terms that you don’t approve of him, and your sister wants nothing to do with him.

Otherwise, shroud spells and spells like Lady Eva suggested work well


I don’t know why no one called the police. I’ve had a very stern conversation with this guy and he doesn’t get it. I also spoke to the other guy and he was very apologetic. I’ll kick the jerk out the second he does anything like this again. I have ways of finding out information on people and I know he’s gotten into worse fights in other bars. It can be tricky to extract a leech that is attached to people in your social group because the innocent people can get upset if it isn’t done delicately.

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Death curse.